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Super CD+G Question
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Author:  nymitch1 [ Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Super CD+G Question

For the holidays I received a CAVS 203G player. I know most people do not have a positive feeling about this player, but I really liked the premise of Super CDG. I found someone on E-bay selling Volume 1-6 of the Chartbuster Essential Discs (2700 songs) for $120. As with most things in life, when something seems a bit too good to be true, it usually is.

Here is my question...Discs 4,5,6 seem to load fine. However, Discs 1,2, and 3 are not loading consistently. Many times, the player just ejects these three discs. Did the person sell me bad discs (they outside label and insert look a bit "homemade"), or do you think the player is at fault?

I appreciate anyone's help.....

PS. My Carvin system is coming this week...I'm very excited!!!


Author:  srnitynow [ Fri Dec 25, 2009 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Super CD+G Question

It's NOT your player, I also have the 203g, although it is a little slow loading in comparison, I think it's a very good player. I ALSO bought vol. 1-6 Chartbuster, but was a little luckier than you, and only had to have vol.1 replaced (3) times. Just contact them, and tell them that vol. 1,2, and 3 are defective, you may not even have to send them back. This is how we LEARN from experience. Also, the seller doesn't want NEGATIVE feedback, so they'll probably just send you the volumes you need. GOOD LUCK!!!!

Serenity Now Karaoke

Author:  nymitch1 [ Fri Dec 25, 2009 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Super CD+G Question

Thank you so much for your reply Rosario. I will definitely take your advice.
Happy holidays!


Author:  Ronny D. [ Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Super CD+G Question

srnitynow @ Fri Dec 25, 2009 7:52 pm wrote:
It's NOT your player, I also have the 203g, although it is a little slow loading in comparison, I think it's a very good player. I ALSO bought vol. 1-6 Chartbuster, but was a little luckier than you, and only had to have vol.1 replaced (3) times. Just contact them, and tell them that vol. 1,2, and 3 are defective, you may not even have to send them back. This is how we LEARN from experience. Also, the seller doesn't want NEGATIVE feedback, so they'll probably just send you the volumes you need. GOOD LUCK!!!!

Serenity Now Karaoke

Same here. I too got very lucky on my set, I got 1-6 for only $30 several months back also still wrapped in the factory shrink wrap. I have two of the 203g players and am very pleased wih them. True, the discs are a little slow loading sometimes but for home based setup I'm pleased.

Author:  Lone Wolf [ Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Super CD+G Question

I also bought the discs but don't use them on a player I ripped them to my hard drive using Roxbox's SCDG converter.

I wish they would come out with Vol's 7-9

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