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Our Christmas Party
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Author:  Babs [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Our Christmas Party

We do a Christmas Party for the regs every year. The owner has an open bar for two hours and I do karaoke for free. I did get a hundred dollar bonus from the boss man though. :D

Well it went well until one of the patron's girlfriends barfed in another ladies purse. Than he went nuts ( I still don't know why) and inadvertently knocked into the food table breaking plates and glasses, knocking over food, and knocking the Sterno can on the floor starting a fire. The flames were thigh high ! I watched in amazement from the stage as several people tired to stomp out the fire.

Amazingly everything turned out okay. The owner escorted the 2 idiots out of the bar and the party continued as if nothing happened.

Just another exciting night at the pub. LMAO

Author:  Karen K [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Our Christmas Party

An unplanned fire is never good at a party - no matter WHAT kind of party! LOL.

Author:  seattledrizzle [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Our Christmas Party

Never a good thing...though it might be a good time to sing Disco Inferno by the Trammps.

Next time you might want to do like the airline flight attendants: "If you get sick, please use the bag provided, not your flight companions purse."

Author:  dandanthetaximan [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Our Christmas Party

WOAH! Now that's a party!

Funny; It seems at least once a month I need to announce at Giligin's that vomit goes in the toilet not the urinal. Never seen anyone barf in someone else's purse before, though. Too funny!

Author:  mrmarog [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Our Christmas Party

My wife and I gave a party for 60 of our most loyal patrons at the "Pub" where we do our (2) shows a week. We paid for all the food and (2) drinks per person, and we gave a show for free to the bar. Everyone, but one, of the invited guest showed up!

The disappoinment set in over the next few days when we received only a handful of thank you's. I don't think any one realized how much we gave up to do this for everyone. My wife and I did (9) shows (1 whole month) and we bartered a party with the "Pub" owner. So we worked free for an entire month. We don't regret it (much) because they have all been very loyal to us and the "Pub". I will rethink it for next year though!


Author:  Karen K [ Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Our Christmas Party

Sorry that all your efforts weren't noticed or appreciated at least enough to receive thank-yous. I am wondering, sometimes when people believe the host is just having a ton of fun, whether they believe it is actually work.

Author:  dandanthetaximan [ Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Our Christmas Party

Perhaps they thought the bar picked up the tab? Just a thought.
That's a hell of a sacrifice for your show though, wow...

I did a Christmas house party Saturday night for free, but got free booze and food, and generally had the time of my life. I think I did some networking as well, but only time will tell on that.

Author:  Babs [ Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Our Christmas Party

I feel your pain Dan.

I've done the Christmas party free every yr for the past 6 yrs. I received a few thank yous, but not many. I get more frustrated with the fact it is supposed to be my Christmas party also and I'm working the whole time. It is so busy I barely get to visit. I received a few presents that I didn't even have the time to open. Aaaarg! I didn't get to eat or even see what was on the food table. I'm not sure if it bothers me more to be unappreciated or the fact I can't enjoy my own party.

I always tell myself I'm doing it for my regulars and it shouldn't matter. I have to admit it sucked for me though. Heck it's Christmas - it's about giving not receiving, right?

Author:  diafel [ Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Our Christmas Party

Babs @ Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:42 am wrote:
I always tell myself I'm doing it for my regulars and it shouldn't matter. I have to admit it sucked for me though. Heck it's Christmas - it's about giving not receiving, right?

Only if you actually get to receive once in awhile.
Sorry, Babs, Wish I was there. I could have worked it for you!
Merry Christmas everyone!

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