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Fun Fun Fun
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Author:  Babs [ Sat Dec 19, 2009 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Fun Fun Fun

It's rare I come home from karaoke literally laughing about the night. I had so much much fun my cheeks hurt from laughing.

It was one of those nights where everyone knew everyone and just didn't care how silly they got. An airplane fight broke out that ended up making me feel like a duck in a carnival game, but my butt was the main target. A few balloons were being tossed around the crowd only to find out they were rubbers. Oddly no one seemed to mind. LOL The fun never got out of hand, unbelievably. There was a round of gender bender songs and Christmas song sing a longs that the whole bar joined in singing. When the owner sang he sang the Grinch song and at the end he was inundated with paper airplanes and applause. I love karaoke people. :D

Author:  Cueball [ Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun Fun Fun

All of us were in hysterics the other night, when I made the KJ sing "Bohemian Rhapsody." This KJ is a co-host, and she doesn't usually sing (she has a raspy type voice, so she doesn't like to sing). Well, they have a TIP Jar out, and when I go to their show, I have been leaving a $5 TIP with a song request for her to sing. In the past, I've had her sing songs like "Witch Doctor," "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend," "Barbie Girl," "Love Shack," "I Did You Babe" (x-rated song-take of "I Got You Babe"), "Barnacle Bill the Sailor" (that one cost me $10, and she also got a $20 TIP from the Owner). There have been some other songs too, and she always feels like killing me for making her sing.

I think I hit an ultimate when I made her sing "BH". That song goes all over the place. She was laughing throughout the entire song. She even changed the lyrics a bit... "Mama, just killed Cueball. Put a gun against his head..." And a few times she uttered that she was gonna kill me for this one. We were all LOL and ROFL. Now I have to think what I'm gonna make her sing next week.

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