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Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"
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Author:  Dr Fred [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

I am just wondering here because of the debate on "art" on people's opinion of their karaoke singers.

Can they sing, or at least some of them?

Are they good, and of course this has as much to do with the listener as the singer, as the status of good of course is going to be different from listener to listener.

Author:  Jian [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

Bad singers are rare here. The big majority are average and the rest are good to very good.

Author:  Karen K [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

I am so fortunate ... a great variety of songs coming from very, very good singers. I don't think I could have maintained this as a viable business for this long without having that reward waiting at every show. I not only love to hear the singing but I love to see the look on the crowds' face (most notably newcomers to the show) when they hear someone who is often as good or better than the original performer. Then each show they ask if so-and-so will be in tonight because they want to hear "this song" or "that song."

Author:  Babs [ Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

I have a lot of good singers. I'd say the good singers well out way the bad.

Author:  tovmod [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

Dr Fred @ Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:37 pm wrote:
I am just wondering here because of the debate on "art" on people's opinion of their karaoke singers.

Can they sing, or at least some of them?

Are they good, and of course this has as much to do with the listener as the singer, as the status of good of course is going to be different from listener to listener.

I am not sure what the debate regarding karaoke singers and art has to do with how often you encounter karaoke singers who sing well? And, BTW, once in awhile I have experienced an artist at karaoke!

And since karaoke shows in the same venue can differ from week to week as to the singers it attracts, and I am pretty much limited to experiencing the singers at my own shows, I'll ignore the poll!

And back to the question of "art", how about contemplating this example: If you consider the comedy routines that Bill Cosby delivered over the years to be art, would you consider someone reciting them word for word, with the exact same facial expressions and vocal intonations to be art, as well?

Noah: Lord, why don't you just let it rain for 40 days and 40 nights and wait for the sewers to back up?
The Lord: Rigghht!

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

I have an older male singer at my show named Patrick. Patrick is an openly gay man whose life partner had a heart attack and died a few years ago. He is short, balding, with a peculiar taste in style that frequently involves wildly patterned vests.

Patrick has the most beautiful singing voice, with a taste for Sinatra, Martin, and old do wop ballads. Patrick and his partner's song was "Smoke gets in your eyes" by the Platters. He doesn't sing it too often for obvious reasons. I remember one night, after a few shots he had me put it in. During his performance he became visibly emotional at the song, tears welling up in his eyes. His voice never wavered, and was extremely powerful, especially at the end of the song which ends with a crescendo.

When the song was over, there was a moment of brief silence, and then resounding applause. A look around the bar revealed there wasn't a dry eye in the place.

That's art.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

ummm.....there are some people who can sing great and there are those who can sing good and there are the rest ... who can't sing. ( well EVERBODY CAN sing) --but some singers do not sound good doing so

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

We have more good singers than bad. Probably close to 75% or more. Sure we do have the occasional bad singer and a good supply of 'average' singers - the ones that are good but not great, but more often than not, on any given night, a listener would feel like they were at a 'showcase'.

Author:  Karen K [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

Agree Lonman - it was a pleasure to sing at your show.

Author:  dandanthetaximan [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

I seem to lead Scottsdale in bad singers, but everyone is usually having a great time. I do have a handful that are truly great and most of my regulars are good. I enjoy listening to all of them as long as they're getting into it and having fun. And not singing "Picture" by Kid Rock and that old chick.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

I would think that if you wanted to get a good read on the percentages of good singers to bad; you could just go down the line in the Singer's Showcase right here on this web site. There are some really good singers. There are some singers that you wouldn't mind listening to and then there are some singers that are just outright horrendous...just like at most karaoke bars.

Author:  Dr Fred [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

This was more of a question to measure the KJ not the singers, apparently about 6% dont really like their job, a bit less than I thought.

But yes there is also a big difference from show to show. I did a few private parties with the number of BAD singers was high, maybe 75% BAD to Horrible, and only one or two good ones. This was followed by a show at my regular spot the next day where I thought 90% of the singers were "good" and the others OK, no one really stunk all night. A big difference from the private party with 30-40 stinkers.

Author:  Babs [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

Dr Fred @ Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:19 am wrote:
This was more of a question to measure the KJ not the singers, apparently about 6% dont really like their job, a bit less than I thought.

But yes there is also a big difference from show to show. I did a few private parties with the number of BAD singers was high, maybe 75% BAD to Horrible, and only one or two good ones. This was followed by a show at my regular spot the next day where I thought 90% of the singers were "good" and the others OK, no one really stunk all night. A big difference from the private party with 30-40 stinkers.

Enjoying my job doesn't always correlate with how many good singers I have. Some days I love my job others days I don't. It's a job. I have good days and bad.

Author:  letitrip [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

For me it's about 1/2 and 1/2. However your thread title doesn't match the question in the poll. Personally I enjoy listening to even many of the not so good singers. Sometimes they're the most fun. I mean seriously - not star search. Lets not forget what the actual meaning of the word Karaoke is.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

letitrip @ December 22nd 2009, 5:49 pm wrote:
For me it's about 1/2 and 1/2. However your thread title doesn't match the question in the poll. Personally I enjoy listening to even many of the not so good singers. Sometimes they're the most fun. I mean seriously - not star search. Lets not forget what the actual meaning of the word Karaoke is.

The actual meaning of Karaoke is OPEN ORCHESTRA. The word karaoke has no reference to the talent level of the participants.

Author:  dandanthetaximan [ Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you enjoy listenign to singers. Are some of the Karaoke singers you listen to "good"

I quite enjoy most of my bad singers. The bad singers are most often groups of very attractive women who are just barely old enough to drink or out celebrating a birthday or bacholerette (sp) party with their friends and are well aware they can't sing. Otherwise they wouldn't sing things like Don't Stop Believin' by Journey. Giligin's has a stripper pole, and these gals get on it when they sing. It's not American Idol or Star Search, but it is VERY entertaining!

And I love my job, although I sometimes overdo it on the free drinks... :vomit:

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