Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

The Good The Bad And The Ugly
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Author:  classickaraoke [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  The Good The Bad And The Ugly

The good... My (2nd rig) Friday night gig which moved me from a flat rate to a 25% commission for the time that I'm there almost achieved parity last week and then exceeded my original pay this week. I still think the place can get a little busier even though it has to close at midnight vs 2am for the next county over.

The bad... my Wednesday gig looks like its going to be ditched due to a combination of insufficient business (based on my guesses), the (now fired) barmaid not being positive about karaoke and finally another local host starting a Tuesday show there nest week (for less money apparently) They haven't said anything yet but I suspect my guy will show up on Weds and be told he's not needed.

The ugly... my original Friday gig (now hosted by my associate) looks like it will have direct Friday competition. Two bar flies opened up their new bar 1/2 mile down the road, other bar flies gravitating towards them. They are now going to start karaoke with a reasonably good host. Thing is, they spent enough time at the original bar as flies (even working there) to know the good days and bad days and appear to making a definite attempt to take out the competition.

I may be able to take up some of the slack in income if my 2nd Friday gig takes off, but losing the original bar (which we cover Wed, Thur, Fri) would be a really bad hit!
Currently the Wed / Thurs karaoke brings a little bit of income to the bar, covering its costs at least, but the Friday is the real money spinner. If that is lost, even temporarily then it could be 'a challenging business climate'!


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