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New Years Eve KJ Rate
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Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  New Years Eve KJ Rate

Just got a call from a bar I used to KJ at -- They are in need of a KJ/DJ for New Years Eve. What is a the going rate for a NEW YEARS EVE Karaoke/DJ party at a local BAR ( small place).

They were paying $175 per week for a regular Karaoke show.
Is $400 too much to ask for a NEW YEARS EVE ???? TOO LITTLE ?????

If NYE falls on your regular night ---do you get more ?????

Author:  letitrip [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

You should be able to get more than your normal rate on a holiday. However as to how much you have to consider the venue. You say it's a small place, do you think they'd be able to pull in enough revenue to justify paying you $400? You should aim to get what you'll be worth to the bar (remember they have to make money too).

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

letitrip @ Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:05 pm wrote:
You should be able to get more than your normal rate on a holiday. However as to how much you have to consider the venue. You say it's a small place, do you think they'd be able to pull in enough revenue to justify paying you $400? You should aim to get what you'll be worth to the bar (remember they have to make money too).

Believe me I understand --not looking to RIP someone off ..but still want to get PREMIUM for the biggest KJ night of the year. Just asking to see what MOST would get for that night -- The other posts already shows that 73% ofT KJ's make between $150-$250 per night. I was thinking that $400 was FAIR??

Author:  diafel [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

I think $400 is more than fair. I charge minimum $600 myself, and if I don't get booked, I'm more than happy to stay home with my family. Also, If NYE falls on a regular gig night (and it does this year) I always make it clear that I am not available at the regular rate that night. Same goes for any other holidays. This year, Xmas eve also falls on a regular gig night. I let my venue know that I am not available that night either, for any price. That is family time and it would be a waste for the venue to even be open as I can pretty much guarantee that the only people in attendance will be staff.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

I charge my normal rate. It's a regular night for me.

Author:  harpman [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

I'm charging the same rate as always as it falls on my weekly gig night.

Author:  johnreynolds [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

letitrip @ Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:05 am wrote:
You should be able to get more than your normal rate on a holiday. However as to how much you have to consider the venue. You say it's a small place, do you think they'd be able to pull in enough revenue to justify paying you $400? You should aim to get what you'll be worth to the bar (remember they have to make money too).

I agree. Try to find out if they are charging at the door, if drink prices are higher, and if so, don't feel guilty about charging them more money.

IT IS the biggest party night of the year and you will more than likely have to deal with deeper levels of inebriation and pushy people, equipment abuse, etc...so the stress of keeping everyone happy (singers/non singers) goes up. Chances are you will have more hosting duties, making toasts and doing the NYE countdown, so if that concerns you and you have to make addtional preparations, don't feel guilty for charging more.

Since this is NOT your regular gig i would definately charge more, or give them a break and try to negotiate a weekly show.

For DEEJAYS this is the BEST party and highlight of the year. My yearly AA party nets me $1200 for 5 hours (corporate event) but requires a lot of planning.

Karaoke is more simple by far, but if the bar is making A LOT more BANK, then so should you!

ALL of my karaoke gigs have been getting charged 2X the normal rate over the years and they STILL TIP (my hosts) in the end. GET MORE MONEY or go out with friends/family i say. ..You're worth it and you know it. ASK for it! :lol:

What's the WORST thing they can say...NO??? -remember you're a professional host.

Author:  Bazza [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

I feel extremely fortunate.

I got a bid from a gentleman asking for a private party at his home from 7:30p-12:30a. Since I would much rather spend New Years Eve with my wife & friends, I gave him a "go away" price of $650 for the five hours.

Well, be careful what you wish for...he didn't bat an eye and sent me a $250 deposit in advance. :shock: Turns out he is a wealthy investment banker. I should have charged $1000! :lol:

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

johnreynolds @ Mon Dec 07, 2009 3:20 pm wrote:
letitrip @ Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:05 am wrote:
You should be able to get more than your normal rate on a holiday. However as to how much you have to consider the venue. You say it's a small place, do you think they'd be able to pull in enough revenue to justify paying you $400? You should aim to get what you'll be worth to the bar (remember they have to make money too).

I agree. Try to find out if they are charging at the door, if drink prices are higher, and if so, don't feel guilty about charging them more money.

IT IS the biggest party night of the year and you will more than likely have to deal with deeper levels of inebriation and pushy people, equipment abuse, etc...so the stress of keeping everyone happy (singers/non singers) goes up. Chances are you will have more hosting duties, making toasts and doing the NYE countdown, so if that concerns you and you have to make addtional preparations, don't feel guilty for charging more.

Since this is NOT your regular gig i would definately charge more, or give them a break and try to negotiate a weekly show.

For DEEJAYS this is the BEST party and highlight of the year. My yearly AA party nets me $1200 for 5 hours (corporate event) but requires a lot of planning.

Karaoke is more simple by far, but if the bar is making A LOT more BANK, then so should you!

ALL of my karaoke gigs have been getting charged 2X the normal rate over the years and they STILL TIP (my hosts) in the end. GET MORE MONEY or go out with friends/family i say. ..You're worth it and you know it. ASK for it! :lol:

What's the WORST thing they can say...NO??? -remember you're a professional host.

AGREE -- My plan is to explain to the manager that in the past years when KJ/DJ Karaoke on NEW YEARS EVE the rates can be as high as $1200 for a Hotel Gig to a low of $500. All depends if the evenet charged to get in ( some places charge $100 per person for food and open bar ) I will try and leave it up to her to give me their BEST price of what they want to spend , knowing that this is just a small bar and I doubt they are charging to get in. I'll update as soon as I talk to her. LOL

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

Bazza @ Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:53 pm wrote:
I feel extremely fortunate.

I got a bid from a gentleman asking for a private party at his home from 7:30p-12:30a. Since I would much rather spend New Years Eve with my wife & friends, I gave him a "go away" price of $650 for the five hours.

Well, be careful what you wish for...he didn't bat an eye and sent me a $250 deposit in advance. :shock: Turns out he is a wealthy investment banker. I should have charged $1000! :lol:

Up here that is pretty standard price for private parties. Mine usually begin at $400 up to $1000 depending on the venue, dress, equipment needed, night it falls on, etc.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

jamkaraoke @ Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:30 am wrote:
If NYE falls on your regular night ---do you get more ?????

Last year I had this situation. My approach was that it was regular rates *plus* $100 per hour for overtime. They were eligible for that if they had us in every week, not missing a week.

Wednesday didn't qualify because we skipped a few weeks, so the price was $400.00. My Friday paid that, and didn't have a great night. They were able to pay everyone and still make some money, but we didn't draw all that well.

Author:  Nlouch [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

In the UK I am charging £250 for Christmas eve and £300 for new years eve. But those are discounted rates as my friend has booked me, and I want to help him out.

Author:  Babs [ Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

Lonman @ Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:07 pm wrote:
I charge my normal rate. It's a regular night for me.

Same here :D

If I was working a private party on NYE it would be at least $400 though.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

Well I offered $400 for a New Years Eve show and was told by the manager it was too much for this small neighborhood bar. They countered offered with $300 for the 4 hours NYE and maybe my weekly show back ? ( one has nothing to do with the other - meaning if I don't do NYE I still can have my show back)

Seems they and their customers are not happy with the current KJ and they would "like" to have me back. So now I'm contemplating maybe working with them on the NYE rate. -- Waiting for a call back to discuss in detail both situations

I know this place really can't afford to pay what a BIG CLUB would pay for NYE
and they are not charging any covercharge for the night.

Keep you posted


Author:  Babs [ Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

jamkaraoke @ Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:15 am wrote:
Well I offered $400 for a New Years Eve show and was told by the manager it was too much for this small neighborhood bar. They countered offered with $300 for the 4 hours NYE and maybe my weekly show back ? ( one has nothing to do with the other - meaning if I don't do NYE I still can have my show back)

Seems they and their customers are not happy with the current KJ and they would "like" to have me back. So now I'm contemplating maybe working with them on the NYE rate. -- Waiting for a call back to discuss in detail both situations

I know this place really can't afford to pay what a BIG CLUB would pay for NYE
and they are not charging any covercharge for the night.

Keep you posted


That sounds awesome !

Side note:
I'd be more apt tp pick a gig for NYE that was one I wanted to do than pick it because of the money, but that's me. I like to have fun too.

I'd do it for $300 as long as I didn't have a higher paying gig that was more attractive. :D

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

Just to close this out..... I spoke to the bar. As explained to me the bar is not having any NEW YEARS EVE PARTY. They are just staying open for any of the regulars that MAY or MAY NOT stop in. I know this place to be a very small local bar with a clientele of mostly friends of the owners grown children. They are just looking for some karaoke and DJ music for the night. I accepted $300 for the 4 hours with the promise if it is extremely busy ..there would be more $$$$.
My previous dealings with this bar has always been positive so I have no reservations of what they promise. It also seems that I will get a weekly gig starting in January. So a win win situation.

Thanks for all input ! :D

Author:  diafel [ Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

I would definitely do it for the $300 just because it shows good will on your part. That is, if you want your weekly gig back.
If you do want it back, congrats!

Author:  mrdelicious2 [ Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

Way to go Jam....you worked it out. I would've approached it about the same way. You showed a willingness to do what it takes....which is a good reason why you'll pry be back there weekly. Keep up the good work...MrD

Author:  johnreynolds [ Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

AWESOME JAM! Congrats!! :hi5:

Author:  supercharged [ Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve KJ Rate

I took an extra $100 over my normal 5 hr gig price, and have to pay $50 to a helper as it is a DJ gig and i need my big subs and light truss. part of the deal was to book me once a month at my normal price through april. They pay me decent and treat me well so i figure i make more on the steady gig than by doing one show for a bunch of cash. over summer they cant make a buck at it on a regular sat night, and that's fine there are other things for me to do in the summer. if they have a party that wants me they call.

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