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Anybody Else in this Predicament?
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Author:  Karen K [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Anybody Else in this Predicament?

I'm sitting here pounding on my head trying to remember where I so safely stored all my Christmas CDGs from last year ... UGH! I didn't put them into my show computer. Part of it is that I never get anyone who wants to sing Christmas music but this year I'm having a "caroling evening" and now I'm under the gun. Not buying any new stuff ... MUST FIND OLD STUFF!

Author:  Babs [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody Else in this Predicament?

I keep separate books for Christmas and Spanish songs. I was just thinking today I need to pull out those books. Hopefully they are where I left them. :D

Good luck Karen. :hug:

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody Else in this Predicament?

No one sings Christmas music? Man i've already had my fill. White Christmas, Silver Bells, O Holy Night (Josh Grobin), Same Old Lang Syne, Please Come Home For Christmas & Joy To The World/Deck The Halls were all sang last night alone.
I keep them in the show computer all year - actually in the books as well all year.

Author:  Karen K [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody Else in this Predicament?

I think it is really interesting that we have very little interest in Christmas music at our shows. Don't know why. Kids show tonight - I'm sure they'll sing some. I do have a set of Spanish CDGs coming for the New Year's Eve show at Ronald McD house - apparently more than 50% of the residents/kids are Hispanic. Always a crapshoot to figure out what they might sing. Will make a separate book for this, and once I find my OTHER CHristmas music I'll make a separate book and put the CDGs with the books...hopefully I'll remember where they are next year.... time to take my omega 3 fish oil tablets!

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody Else in this Predicament?

Karen K @ Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:43 pm wrote:
I think it is really interesting that we have very little interest in Christmas music at our shows. Don't know why. Kids show tonight - I'm sure they'll sing some. I do have a set of Spanish CDGs coming for the New Year's Eve show at Ronald McD house - apparently more than 50% of the residents/kids are Hispanic. Always a crapshoot to figure out what they might sing. Will make a separate book for this, and once I find my OTHER CHristmas music I'll make a separate book and put the CDGs with the books...hopefully I'll remember where they are next year.... time to take my omega 3 fish oil tablets!

I always add a separate Holiday page in the front of the books for holiday songs, they tend to get used more often that way.
Just add them to your computer drive? May as well. If you don't want them in the book, just add them to a separate folder & when you rebuild your database, you can set it to include or not include that folder.

Author:  Karen K [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody Else in this Predicament?

Lonman @ Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:48 pm wrote:
Karen K @ Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:43 pm wrote:
I think it is really interesting that we have very little interest in Christmas music at our shows. Don't know why. Kids show tonight - I'm sure they'll sing some. I do have a set of Spanish CDGs coming for the New Year's Eve show at Ronald McD house - apparently more than 50% of the residents/kids are Hispanic. Always a crapshoot to figure out what they might sing. Will make a separate book for this, and once I find my OTHER CHristmas music I'll make a separate book and put the CDGs with the books...hopefully I'll remember where they are next year.... time to take my omega 3 fish oil tablets!

I always add a separate Holiday page in the front of the books for holiday songs, they tend to get used more often that way.
Just add them to your computer drive? May as well. If you don't want them in the book, just add them to a separate folder & when you rebuild your database, you can set it to include or not include that folder.

live and learn! ugggg!

Author:  johnreynolds [ Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody Else in this Predicament?

Karen i fortunately found my SC Christmas discs.

It's THE DANG book pages for the books i can't find! :shock: :shock:

So far we've had Mariah Carey, Bruce Springsteen, The Carpenters, and Beach Boys done. Tonight i'm sure Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, and Eartha Kitt will be done at my senior's show. :D

Author:  Dr Fred [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody Else in this Predicament?

Every now and then I get a christmas song in July or whenever. It seems my chrismas songs are sung about 2/3 in season and about 1/3 just random times. Not that they are a big component of the show at any time....

Author:  lyquiddye [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody Else in this Predicament?

I never get anyone to sing xmas songs.

In the last few years:

Bruce Springsteen - Santa Clause Is Coming To Town

Adam Sandler - Chaunaka Song

Those are the only 2 i can think of. No one has sang anything this year. Which is good I hate chrismas music.

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