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Songs placed in the the wrong categories
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Author:  CanPanther [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 5:05 am ]
Post subject:  Songs placed in the the wrong categories

Ok, this is more a pet peeve than anything...take it as tongue & cheek humor & not as me bitchin', alright? :)

I am a rocker thru & thru. I don't go into the country or oldies categories 'cause I have absolutely no interest in those types of music. I'm sure there are more just like me out there. Yes, I know there are some great singers in each of these categories. It's not them I am ranting about (good word, eh? I know some of you have probably already said it, 'What is CP ranting about now?' lol) It's about going thru the rock & pop categories and running into things like Elvis (he's dead, ya know!). I know I can easily skip these songs if I want to but that's not my point. To me, rock means lots of guitars & pop means today's current hits. Maybe I should post Kid Rock's Cowboy in the country category. Hmmmm...I wonder how well that would go over? lol

Enjoy the site! :P

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