Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Change of Seasons
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Author:  jamkaraoke [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Change of Seasons

Now that the weather is changing (here in the NorthEast) and the season is changing from Winter to Spring and soon SUMMER .... Do your karaoke habits change? Do you go out singing as much? and at the same places? ...Do KJ's do something differant in the summer ? I know some here are lucky enough to live in areas where the weather is great all year long ..but I know here in NJ ...Summer means the SHORE everyone goes to the beaches on the weekends. As a KJ I'm thinking about doing some theme nights ..maybe have a karaoke party OUTSIDE the bar one summer night. Maybe even a Karaoke Hawaii Lua night ! Generally the summer is BETTER at the bar I host every Saturday because its at a MARINA..which in the winter is empty ..NOW the boats are starting to come in and soon (HOPEFULLY) business will be BOOMING and maybe I'll even get my Thursday night gig back ! SO WHAT DO YOU DO DURING THE SUMMER ...ANYTHING SPECIAL ?

Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 11:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Around here there's not really anything different, except a lot of places run the shows an hour later during daylight savings time simply because it gets dark later. During the summer people tend to mow lawns after work, and do projects like that as soon as they get off work, then go out later in the evening, so a lot of venues will run their karaokes a little later to get the crowds. But, other than that, no real changes.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 1:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Being in the Pacific Northwest where nice weather is a treat (we actually get more than most think), our Summer (hotter) months & nice days are generally slower for karaoke until later in the evening. If it's an extremely hot day, over 90 (yeah I know some of you Southerners are laughing at that), anyplace that is air conditioned will be suddenly packed.
If the club has permits & has the capability, see if you can run a parking lot party. Generally all they would need is fence off a good sized section, get some portable table/chairs & set-up! We run at least 2 per year (BBQ, raffles, karaoke, free giveaways, games, etc...) It's a blast!! Starting in the afternoon (we run from 2 PM - 2AM) & moving it all in around 8-9 oclock & continuing til closing time!!! The party generally sticks around from outside to inside.
They can even run indoor dart/pool tournaments that day as well while the outdoor party is going on.

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