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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:47 pm 
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BruceFan4Life @ Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:57 pm wrote:
Jesus John!!! Do you think that your show is perfect and can't be improved in any way??? Don't shoot the messenger. All I do is give my opinions from a singer's standpoint on how a karaoke show might be improved. It's amazing how defensive many of you get when someone points out that there might just be a better mouse trap out there. When I say something like "I don't like ANY filler music at a karaoke show", it doesn't mean that a show that plays some filler music is a horrible show and that I would NEVER go there because the KJ is clueless. It means that the show is a good show but in my opinion, it would be a better show for me, and some others, if they didn't play ANY filler music. It's not an insult to the KJ or his show. It is constructive criticism. If a KJ runs his rotation like Lonnie does, it doesn't make his show suck, but if he ran his rotation the way that Matt(knightshow) ran a rotation, I would have a better time that night. That is all I'm saying. being a KJ is not a PASS/FAIL situation. If someone makes a suggestion on how you might improve your show, it doesn't mean that your show is a failure. It just means that the person making the suggestion thinks that it could be better than it already is. I hope that it makes you feel better to try to insult me because you have deep seeded feeings of insecurity about your show. I'm sure that you run great shows. I'm also sure that there could be some room for improvement in just about every show. Someone else might think that you need to play more filler music while I might think that you should play less. So many of the KJ's seem to detest anyone suggesting that their show could possibly be better if they changed "something" whatever that "something" might be.

Actually a good post, this would make an interesting survey. Of given allthings that a singer has seen at a particular show, being absolutely no show that can be perfect, there will always be something someone doesn't like about any show - if there were a checklist of likes & dislikes - what would be on it in both categories, and what percentage of each would sway you from either becoming a regular, semi-regular or flat out not return? So I guess the question would be if all other things were met to your 'specifications" (I guess you could say) what would you be willing to sacrifice or require to see at any given show to make you want to return or not?

I'm not going to put a poll in or anything - list all your likes & dislikes of what you'd want your perfect show to be?

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:47 pm 
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That is a difficult one to answer because I think what we say is often different from what we do.

The show we used to attend (and still make the 6 hour round trip to visit every few months) was infamous for having two hosts that sang 2 songs each at the top of every round, no matter how long the rotation. The host rarely updated his books so we brang our own discs. Now that I notice these things, his library was heavy on the Music Maestro. Singers would leave in protest but they always came back. It was just the most fun, entertaining, creative show with a welcoming audience. I suspect that the drama of criticizing how the show was run added to the entertainment a bit. At least it never got boring. They've been there over a decade. Yet we avoid all those "mistakes" when we try to run our own show.

Shows we do never return to are ones where you feel like an outsider. Can't get waited on, people clap just for their own group, kids screaming out group songs with sound at painful levels, people stare aghast that you got out there and start dancing with another female or alone, host makes it apparent he is not impressed with your singing or song selection..... Just shows where we didn't have any fun. I think that a personable host and bar staff who make everyone feel like instant friends can overcome alot of the broken "rules of karaoke." But we still like to do the good sound, fair rotation, etc. rituals on top of that. If it is impossible for me to hear myself or sound half decent then I would look elsewhere.

Also--(MickyJ, if you are reading this at all, please cover eyes and do not continue) if during the course of a show I learn for sure that it is being run with stolen property (host brags about it or whatever) than I won't return.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:03 pm 
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HOW you say something is usually more important than WHAT you say, especially if it's written. The problems with miscommunications that happen frequently here come from either a kneejerk reaction (latenight usually) to an implied insult, or a person wanting to "FIX" another or provide a solution (complete with belittling) that wasn't ever asked for. Some people just want to rant, express stress, and HOPE to have a fellow kj/singer understand them...not correct them.

I RESPECT the people that can keep their cool and not over-react and be dramatic in their posts....but sometimes Bruce brings out the anxiety in you by getting all emotional, ALTHOUGH he makes some very good points. LOSE THE DRAMA and you got me listening Bruce. LEARN the difference between a rant or complaint and DON'T take it personally like YOU represent ALL singers.

A little compassion for a fellow karaoke person can help in times. We get little to none sometimes from the general public because they can't relate well to our issues.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:15 pm 
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All i'm asking is a simple, what you like and dislike in a show and if your likes outweigh the dislikes or vice verse - would that necessarily stop you from going or not. Say you have 5 must haves and 5 no no's, if 1 of the must haves were not met, but the others were but 1 no no is observed - as compared to a show down the street where all 5 must haves are met but 2 no no's etc...., would this be a show that you return to regularaly, semi regular or never again?
I know it actually may be more of a complex question then I am thinking it might be.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:15 pm 
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In keeping on topicI personally:

LIKES: basics, not everything listed:

a happy smiling friendly host that promotes positive audience participation
a good song selection with the better manus available (subjective)
sound that is audible and a decent microphone


a very unfair rotation or host that sings too much
crappy sound that never gets adjusted
an egotistical drunk host that is there for themselves and their own fun first
an unthankful host or bad bar service

SWAYS- i can deal with most things, but a self-serving egotistical host with bad rotation skills would make me NOT wanna return.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:16 pm 
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Lonman @ Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:15 pm wrote:
All i'm asking is a simple, what you like and dislike in a show and if your likes outweigh the dislikes or vice verse - would that necessarily stop you from going or not. Say you have 5 must haves and 5 no no's, if 1 of the must haves were not met, but the others were but 1 no no is observed - as compared to a show down the street where all 5 must haves are met but 2 no no's etc...., would this be a show that you return to regularaly, semi regular or never again?

YOU posted too soon Lon! SOME of us are slow typers! :D Give us a minute to stay on topic...

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:17 pm 
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johnreynolds @ Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:16 pm wrote:
Lonman @ Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:15 pm wrote:
All i'm asking is a simple, what you like and dislike in a show and if your likes outweigh the dislikes or vice verse - would that necessarily stop you from going or not. Say you have 5 must haves and 5 no no's, if 1 of the must haves were not met, but the others were but 1 no no is observed - as compared to a show down the street where all 5 must haves are met but 2 no no's etc...., would this be a show that you return to regularaly, semi regular or never again?

YOU posted too soon Lon! SOME of us are slow typers! :D Give us a minute to stay on topic...


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:25 pm 
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The only times I would leave a show and never go back is if the rotation was totally unfair or the sound was so bad that I didn't even feel like singing my first song. Usually it is a show where the host does not bother with any effects on the vocals. I have a decent voice but sound better with a little effects on my vocals.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:22 pm 
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-If you're a regular, it's nice to be acknowledge when you get there--anything from a "hello" to a friendly nod, smile and a wave.
-A good selection of songs, and a lot of variety from the singers. I like going to a show where I hear somebody get up and sing some really old country or pop song? Why? Because that means that the floor is pretty open to any song you want to sing.
-Fair rotation and sound. Actually I suspect someone who runs a fair rotation will also run decent sound, and vice versa. No one wants to be bumped around in the rotation, never knowing exactly when (or even if) they will sing. And everyone wants to sound their best, or at least as good as the last singer that was at the mic
-Variety of beers. I'll add this in, because while it's nice to get new songs in the songbook sometimes, so is it nice to be able to drink something different. With so many beer varieties being available now, at least here in the Northwest, why not take advantage of it? Have a beer of the month! Variety is the spice of life.


-Dead silence after a song. If the audience isn't clapping, the kj should still thank the singer, make a little noise, and then queue in the next song or bumer music.
-Bad rotation. There are many ways to mangle a rotation, but the effect on the singer is always the same.
-Uneven sound
-Song books that have more beer in them than what is in your pounder glass in front of you. While I expect song books to be a little gloopy and germy, some are sodden messes. Also, binders that come apart when you leaf through them. Was it a trap?! :lol: How about no pencils or slips...? A kj that doesn't pay attention to small stuff probably won't handle the larger issues either....
-Poor song selection

Thinking on the above, I think that a welcome from the kj when you arrive and a fair rotation may be most important, with sound coming in a close second.

If the rotation is bad, then I start my own rotation--to a different bar!

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:09 pm 
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-- Good audience.
-- Good material or ability to play disks. I prefer quality to quantity -- I don't mind singing from a limited catalog if it isn't all crap.
-- Early or at least on-time start.
-- Good food and table service.
-- Good microphones and competent sound.
-- Hearing myself well, either with a well-placed main or better yet a monitor.
-- Not too crowded a rotation, for I won't wait two hours to sing.


-- Audience that pays attention only to their friends and doesn't applaud.
-- Dithering between songs. I don't like filler music mostly because it seems to encourage that.
-- "Play a DJ song, then sing a song". Sure bet for a quick-closing show in our area, they just don't survive.
-- Late starts. The one that honks me off most is "I want to wait until we get a few singers". Hey dude! What singer in their right mind would show up early if they weren't going to get to sing when they got there?
-- More than one host song per round, or the host singing very long songs.
-- Unfettered duets. I am not there for "The Marcy Show".
-- Crappy mics because "they are good enough for karaoke".
-- Having no significant amount of good-quality material (DK, PH, SC, CB) with no ability to play disks.

[color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color]
Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:10 pm 
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Well said Drizzle! :D

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:11 pm 
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oops a dupe! sorry....

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:08 pm 
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You know we all have our likes and dislikes, there is definitely a difference of opinions on what is a priority. Now that is not a bad thing, thats the spice of life. When it comes to karaoke tho, there are a few things that should be a standard of what is expected from a karaoke show/host. Sadly, not all of the hosts/bars share the same views. But, here is a list of what I believe to be the basics, and then items that can be debated as secondary needs/wants.

Basic Needs from the Host and Venue/Likes:

Start on time, even if no one is actually singing yet.
A fair rotation. Consistancy is the key here.
Friendly, positive staff, including owner, host, wait staff.
A clean, orderly establishment. (lots of owners forget this one).
A good sound system that meets the needs of the venue.
A host that makes adjustments on sound as needed.
Song selection up to date, also meeting the clienteles needs.
Honest respect from staff, host and audience of everyone attending.

The SECONDARY wish list:

Pricing of drinks and food that people can afford. Specials that attract customers.
A variety of drinks and good food. Not just what the venue wants to sell.
Karaoke host provides good quality wired or wireless mics.
Host that doesn't have dead air between singers. Uses announcements and music.
Applause from the audience after EVERY singer. Actually should be a must here.


Just do the opposite of the above and you got this list. But add into this when the host forgets why he/she is there. When they put themselves first before the bars/customers needs and wants, then that will turn people away.

There are other things, but its late and my brain is mush at the moment. So I will follow this thread pretty closely. Thanks Lonnie for bringing this up, good topic.


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:37 pm 
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Only two things would definitely keep me from becoming a regular:

1) The combination of a book that doesn't show versions TOGETHER with not being able to then play my discs. I don't sing blind.....

2) A host that's a frustrated lounge singer and sings more than anyone else. Just irritates me to watch, even if I'm not in the mood to sing.

"No Contests, No Divas, Just A Good Time!"

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:34 am 
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Too small a crowd. If I wanted to sing to a mostly empty room I can stay at home.

A crowd more interested in mass consumption of drink than singing.
Singers that don't try or are too drunk to try.
Too much bumper music or a very slow turn around between singers.
Overly talkative hosts that fill up dead space with banter, especially teasing a singer.
Long KJ breaks.
All/most of the songs sung are from a single style or music type.
Dance breaks when there is a list of many waiting singers.

Good singers that are fun to listen to.
A rotation that is to some extent fair.
A decent sound system/mics etc
A crowd of people I feel at ease with.
Singers who are there for karaoke, not people who got drunk enough to sing.
A supportive crowd that applauds good singers not just their friends. Not necessary to applaud everyone loudly but respect for quality.
A crowd age mix that does not make me feel too old or too young.
Diversity of songs sung in style and individual selection.
An approachable friendly KJ that appears to care about what they are doing.

Not a big factor.
Song list - only probably could become a factor after many visits. Even with a smaller song list I can find a few songs to sing.
KJ who sings a turn like everyone else.

Overall my opinion is that the KJ, the venue and the crowd are all essential to be
"right" for my ideal karaoke. I can have a great time with a good crowd and a bad KJ. The number one thing for me would be good singers.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:46 am 
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seattledrizzle @ Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:22 pm wrote:

-If you're a regular, it's nice to be acknowledge when you get there--anything from a "hello" to a friendly nod, smile and a wave.
-A good selection of songs, and a lot of variety from the singers. I like going to a show where I hear somebody get up and sing some really old country or pop song? Why? Because that means that the floor is pretty open to any song you want to sing.
-Fair rotation and sound. Actually I suspect someone who runs a fair rotation will also run decent sound, and vice versa. No one wants to be bumped around in the rotation, never knowing exactly when (or even if) they will sing. And everyone wants to sound their best, or at least as good as the last singer that was at the mic
-Variety of beers. I'll add this in, because while it's nice to get new songs in the songbook sometimes, so is it nice to be able to drink something different. With so many beer varieties being available now, at least here in the Northwest, why not take advantage of it? Have a beer of the month! Variety is the spice of life.


-Dead silence after a song. If the audience isn't clapping, the kj should still thank the singer, make a little noise, and then queue in the next song or bumer music.
-Bad rotation. There are many ways to mangle a rotation, but the effect on the singer is always the same.
-Uneven sound
-Song books that have more beer in them than what is in your pounder glass in front of you. While I expect song books to be a little gloopy and germy, some are sodden messes. Also, binders that come apart when you leaf through them. Was it a trap?! :lol: How about no pencils or slips...? A kj that doesn't pay attention to small stuff probably won't handle the larger issues either....
-Poor song selection

Thinking on the above, I think that a welcome from the kj when you arrive and a fair rotation may be most important, with sound coming in a close second.

If the rotation is bad, then I start my own rotation--to a different bar!

SeattleDrizzle, I'm STILl waiting for you to show up at our Monday night show! We fit the criteria for what you like...and have none of the dislikes. Does this mean you'll make an appearance one of these Monday nights?

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:00 am 
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Dr Fred @ Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:34 am wrote:

Too small a crowd. If I wanted to sing to a mostly empty room I can stay at home.
A rotation that is to some extent fair.
A crowd more interested in mass consumption of drink than singing.
Singers that don't try or are too drunk to try.
Too much bumper music or a very slow turn around between singers.
Overly talkative hosts that fill up dead space with banter, especially teasing a singer.
Long KJ breaks.
All/most of the songs sung are from a single style or music type.
Dance breaks when there is a list of many waiting singers.

Good singers that are fun to listen to.
A decent sound system/mics etc
A crowd of people I feel at ease with.
Singers who are there for karaoke, not people who got drunk enough to sing.
A supportive crowd that applauds good singers not just their friends. Not necessary to applaud everyone loudly but respect for quality.
A crowd age mix that does not make me feel too old or too young.
Diversity of songs sung in style and individual selection.
An approachable friendly KJ that appears to care about what they are doing.

Not a big factor.
Song list - only probably could become a factor after many visits. Even with a smaller song list I can find a few songs to sing.
KJ who sings a turn like everyone else.

Overall my opinion is that the KJ, the venue and the crowd are all essential to be
"right" for my ideal karaoke. I can have a great time with a good crowd and a bad KJ. The number one thing for me would be good singers.

don't you mean unfair? I don't know anyone who doesn't want their fair turn at the mike.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:54 am 
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oops edit....

Yes of course that should have been in the like group.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:05 am 
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DISLIKES: Going to a show that is ADVERTISED as KARAOKE, only to get to the place, NO songbooks, NO monitor. Go up to the bartender, ask "where's karaoke set-up", he points to the guy behind the set-up. You ask the guy, "where are your songbooks", reply, "someone STOLE my (book) last week. "Where's your monitor for lyrics", reply, "you just sing along with the song" :shock: OK!!!! "How do we know what songs you have", reply, hands me about 15 discs (still in the wrapper), and says "just let me know what you want, if it's NOT THERE, I can just play the (regular) cd, and you can sing along with it". Believe it or not, THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED. Needless to say, we left immediately, TOTALLY irritated that we wasted half the night for this. Not to mention that we had dinner there while WAITING for the (KJ) to set up. WORST part of this story is we STILL drive by this place and see the ADVERTISEMENT (karaoke) every FRIDAY NIGHT. :vomit:


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:36 am 
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Being made to feel like a regular by the ( kj and audience ) even though its your 1st time at the show
Nice Song Book and selection
Decent sound system and a KJ who listens and adjusts the mix
Fair Rotation System

just the opposites LOL

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