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Has anyone noticed a mfg changing 1 or 2 words on a song.
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Author:  EElvis [ Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Has anyone noticed a mfg changing 1 or 2 words on a song.

One of my pet peaves between different cdg mfg's is some of them, and I mean the better names, will change the lyrics by a word or two. WHen you are used to doing it the correct way, it will throw you for a loop. I have had some singers look at me like what the??????.

I notice this a lot on some of the chart...... tracks especially Elvis tracks.

Author:  Big Mike [ Thu Apr 22, 2004 9:54 am ]
Post subject: 

I have never understood this...I get singers all the time who complain that the words are not right. Like I manufacture the frigging Tracks! I always tell them that I just play the damn things!

The question I have that I never ask them is this:


Of course there are those people who THINK they know the lyrics to songs. I believe that there are more than a few websites devoted to misheard lyrics. (BTW--exactly what ARE the words to that Kingsmen song?)

Author:  DJ-T [ Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Sometimes the manufactures of the disks think they are adding the correct words. Others think they have the correct words. I agree with Big Mike though, if they know the words, what are they worried about. The tempo difference is alot bigger of a problem to deal with.

Author:  EElvis [ Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:18 am ]
Post subject: 

I also agree with mike. I do an Elvis Impersonation act with my show sometimes as a novelty to get into new Places. and Chartbusters, change the words, and have background singers singing the wrong words with the printed lyrics, not the right ones. altho they have the most accurate music.

I thought It might have been a copyrite dodgeing thing. From what I had read on the fed laws on copyrite if you change the lyrics, the law changes.

I have notices that for the most part Sound Choice is correct more often than not. I just figure at what they charge for making these cdg's they should get them right.

Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 4:33 am ]
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I think most of the time its as stated above, where they think they had the right words, but didn't. Just a human error. I did once hear (although I don't have a clue as to if its correct) that some of the mfgs do that intentionally because of the copywright issues, that they have to make some kind of subtle changes so that its not an exact copy. Also, sometimes a song gets changed, for example "I Want To Do It All" started out with the lines "Visit Paris in the fall, Watch the Yankees play ball". Here lately on the radio you here a version that goes "Visit Paris in the fall, Watch the Marlins play Ball". Guess maybe as a country western singer/song maybe they took a lot of flak for using Yankees when Marlins fit just as well. Point is sometimes they will change a song after its already been released.

Author:  karaokefun [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 6:13 am ]
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I love Sounchoice, but I really wish they would contact REM's management about acquiring the correct lyrics. They are right on 99% of all their discs, but they have some lyrics on REM songs that make absolutely no sense, and don't even have the same number of syllables as the correct lyrics!

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 10:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have noticed. in competition.. I always told my Judges.. never go by what's on the screen and never worry about wrong lyrics, Especially a word or two. When I learn songs I try to sing the "original" versions as they were produced.. UNLESS...I have no choice and the arrangements are chopped where a verse is missing. ALA Sound Choice's famous stunts
on a traditional country song I had recorded reciently for the singer's showcase. usu7ally I don't sing them from the screen anyway unless I have no choice.

Author:  jdmeister [ Sat Apr 24, 2004 7:38 pm ]
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I still say it's an E.S.L. problem for the asian guy doing the translating.

(Just guessing of course)

Author:  KKid [ Sun Apr 25, 2004 12:28 am ]
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As a karaoke singer it does frustrate me when the words of songs are changed for what ever the reason....as most of you know my wife and I sing in quite a few contests, and quite often we are required to sing the lyrics as they appear on the screen.....we like many other on the contest circut memorize our music and don't usually look at the screen, so we can keep the eye contact thing goin'....this wouldn't be a problem if we were always alowed to use our own disc, but too often though we are required to use a house disc and not only do the differing versions vary in tempo, but the words change from disc to disc....

So you preforming your heart out .....makin' eye contact.....trin' to slow down or speed up cause the disc your required to use is a different tempo....only to find out the words are different from those you practiced or preformed else where....

Sound Choice usually is close to the origenal....but you don't always have that choice....infact more and more we find less Sound Choice discs out there....maybe cost is the factor there, I don't really know...

I have heard that if they change a few words the disc makers can get around some copyright laws...again I don't know, but it is very frustratin' :?

that is why I think you should always be able to use your own disc if you choose, while preformin' in a contest... but hey I'm just a singer, what do I know :grumble:

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Sun Apr 25, 2004 8:10 am ]
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I'm starting to wonder if alot of manufacturers take the songs and lyrics right off the original artist's CD, without the original "Charts" to the music.
Incase you don't know what i'm talking about, a Cjart in musician's terms or songwriting terms is: the lyric lead sheet and music notation in either a chord chart or the "Nashville Number system". well usually in most professional cases I hope thier (the karaoke media manufacturer's musicians') Make thier own charts. :lol: If they don't it makes me suspect about the quality of the musicianship. which usually I have no doubt for sure on 6 of the manufacturers already, that are definately top notch in my book. :wink:

Author:  jdmeister [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 5:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I still say it's an E.S.L. problem for the asian guy doing the translating.

(Just guessing of course)

Author:  marty3 [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 6:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

...the translating.

That's always been my guess as well.

Author:  EElvis [ Tue Apr 27, 2004 4:21 am ]
Post subject: 

kinda like the kjpro listing for "Ronnie Milslap" about half of them in there are spelled that way.

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