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Free At Last!
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Author:  Flipper [ Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Free At Last!

Well it finally happened......after 6-1/2 years my Thursday night gig has come to an end. It appears that cash flow was getting too tight for the bar owner on other nights (not karaoke nights) and profitability is down overall. Several new bars have moved into the area and are drawing many of his regulars down the street. We are usually packed on Thursdays but economics dictate that he has to cut somewhere and it appears Karaoke was next in line.

He wants to stop karaoke for a couple of months to see what it does to his profitability and then perhaps re-start after the first of the year.

I told him that was fine with me as I don't rely on the income to pay my bills. However when he restarts it will have to be with someone else. My reasoning here is simple, once he cuts off karaoke for 2 months the customers will find another bar to go to sing a mile or so down the road and once he realizes that he has made a "BIG" mistake it will be too late to lure them back. I don't want to be responsible for rebuilding his clientele' again, and take a chance that I will end up being blamed for his stupidity if we can't get the old crowd back, or build a new customer base.

I accepted this gig on a whim over 6 years ago to help a golfing buddy of mine that had owned the bar for 43 years. He sold the place 3 years ago and the Current Owner has had it since then. He came into the business with no prior Bar or Restaurant business experience so I'm amazed the gig has lasted this long. Don't get me wrong he's a good guy but his inexperience is causing him to make rash decisions when things get a little tight. The bar business is difficult to predict and rash decisions can lead to disastrous results. Who knows this may work out ok for him but I would not bet on it.

Anyway I finally free from Bar Gigs! It is going to be nice to have the freedom and can now concentrate on booking private gigs when it is convenient for my schedule.

Frankly it is a relief that I do not have to be there every Thursday..52 weeks a year. I will miss the regulars and the bartender but we have already setup a way to party together once a month and have a big pot luck sorta deal.

Author:  Babs [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Free At Last!

Congrats ! It sounds like you made a great decision.

I'm sure you put a lot of thought into it. I can't imagine what it's like to quit a gig after being there for almost 7 yrs.

It's nice you planned to get together with everyone on a regular basis. Now you can actually enjoy yourself without having to be working. I totally understand the statement free at last. :D

Enjoy your karaoke bar retirement !
:hug: Babs

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Free At Last!


And I was going to come down there TONIGHT and bring u a COPY OF THIS MONTH's KS MAGAZINE!!!!!!!

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Free At Last!

"He wants to stop karaoke for a couple of months to see what it does to his profitability and then perhaps re-start after the first of the year."

All his other nights are DOWN and he wants to CUT OUT the ONE NIGHT where the place is PACKED AND MAKING HIM MONEY....................JUST TO SEE what it would do to the biz???????

(and yes it IS ALWAYS packed when Flipper is KJ'ing on Thursday nights--Ive been there myself---repeatedly)


And I thought this guy seemed to be a pretty intelligent person when I met him the other time!!

Author:  mroctober [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Free At Last!

I understand the feeling of relief you have Scott, Im happy for you, now you can Pick and Choose, My Nights are Monday Nights and when theres a Holiday and the place is closed it's a break for me.Thats when I realize It would be nice not to have a commitment.
good luck Scott

Author:  Odie [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Free At Last!

Well shoot Scott. Charmin and I never did make it to one of your Thursday shows in Sellwood. Enjoy your nights off but let her or I know if you're doing any future shows that are open to the public.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Free At Last!

you'll be like a prisoner just released from jail.... you won't know what to do with yourself and before you know it will be back doing crime (karaoke)

Author:  Flipper [ Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Free At Last!

I went back to pick up my Song Books tonight and be there to say my goodbyes to some of the folks I could not contact as I did not have their phone numbers etc.

I took a few of my regulars with me and we had a hoot of a time. Jeffery is the bartender that I worked with for 6-1/2 years and he was really out of sorts this evening, it was quite an emotional evening.

I did a Facebook announcement yesterday and it looks like that did the trick. Other than the customers I brought with me, nobody showed for Karaoke. It was really weird.

Anyway, Thank you all for your kind words! :D

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Free At Last!

Sounds like from the very FIRST night of the new "EXPERIMENT" its impacted his revenue-----DETRIMENTALLY. Wonder if that answers his question???

Author:  Karen K [ Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Free At Last!

Some owners have a helluva time recognizing the reasons for the way things happen. I am urging my gig to do a survey in view of the economic situation relating to "compared to last year" and various questions. When things don't seem right I am the kind of person that persists in getting to the root of the issue in an attempt to resolve. (My husband always says, "Don't you ever just REST"?)

Glad you'll have some time Flipper.

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