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Yamaha Mg12/4fx vs. Mg124cx ??
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Author:  himpact [ Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Yamaha Mg12/4fx vs. Mg124cx ??

Hello all,

Been viewing the forums alot, fishing for info, but not yet post.
Based on y'all advice, I picked up a MG8cx to replace my old behringer.
I really like the way it sound compare to what I had.

But I now ran into a dilemma. I want to get a 12 channel one for my main system, but would really like to conceal the wiring.

So the older Yamaha Mg12/4FX seem like a good/only choice (as the connection are in the back).

Are they pretty good? as good as the mg124cx?
Since that model is 4-5 yrs old, will I be missing out on any improvement.



Author:  LondonLive [ Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yamaha Mg12/4fx vs. Mg124cx ??

The only real advantage that the newer 124CX has is it's "one knob compression", which in my opinion really shouldn't be a deciding factor when buying a mixer as it's pretty limited in it's function. Other than that the features are pretty much the same. Actually the older 12/4 FX has one advantage over the newer 124CX in that you can remove the side panels and flip them over making the mixer ready to mount in a rack.

Author:  himpact [ Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yamaha Mg12/4fx vs. Mg124cx ??

Thanks for the reply..

The rack mount was the other factor that I needed.
The other disadvantage is I have to buy a use one, and not sure the conditions that it will come.

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