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Karaoke fills the space where the Berlin Wall used to be
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Author:  StuartW [ Thu Oct 08, 2009 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Karaoke fills the space where the Berlin Wall used to be

I found this fascinating. This guy turns up to a park in Berlin - where the Berlin Wall used to stand, no less - every Sunday with his laptop and some speakers, and hands it over to the crowd who take turns to get up and sing. There are no tickets/entry charges (yet), and no advertising (yet).

It's getting bigger every week by the looks of it. And David Hasselhoff's not even involved! :D

http://blog.luckyvoice.com/2009/10/berl ... -big-wall/

I wish my neighbourhood had something like this... although I suspect British people might be unable to do it without getting wasted! Has anyone else ever seen regular outdoor karaoke like this? :idea:

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