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RSQ Voom...
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Author:  Cindyg2800 [ Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  RSQ Voom...

I just baught an rsq voom we have it connected to a tv,we have video. What we need to know is how to get sound out of the speakers that are built in to the unit.
Any input will be greatly appreciated...

Author:  Lynn Blakely [ Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  re:RSQ Voom

Deleted my mistake?

Author:  Odie [ Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RSQ Voom...

Follow the Speaker and Audio Setup instructions on page 16 and 17 of your instruction manual. I can't read the pictures of the onscreen menu items that they show in the manual, but make sure that you select options that direct the audio to your Voom's built in speakers. Obviously make sure the volume controls are turned up and that "mute" hasn't been pushed on the remote control.

Author:  Lynn Blakely [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RSQ Voom...

OK Odie is correct! This unit is fully programmable. So after reading the following, the unit will direct the sound to the built in speakers without any wiring, Viola.
Reading the manual is important, Have fun with your new unit.
Lynn B
Here's a quote from the manual.
1) OFF: Analog audio output through the jacks on back panel (FL, FR, RL, RR, Center, Sub-Woofer).
If want Karaoke is precedence, you must select analog audio.
2) SPDIF/RAW: Through the Coaxial/Optical jack to output Dolby 5.1CH digital or DTS digital audio.
3) SPDIF/PCM: Through the Coaxial/Optical jack to output PCM digital audio.
1) LINE OUT: Line out mode, with digital dialog normalization. DEFAULT

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