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Song Requests
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Author:  Cueball [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Song Requests

I was curious.... with all the moves that have taken place, are there any active Manufacturers that are still taking song requests from people like us? And, I don't mean sites that just ask you to put a Song Suggestion down in their Request List section, and if they get to it, they get to it. I mean, are there any Manufacturers out there that are still listening and responding back to us?

I remember that Joe (from Zoom) used to come onto the (now defunct) JOLT Forum and talk to us. He used to listen to our song requests, and even respond back when he thought that some were not feasible for him to produce (since he is out in the UK).

BC used to also ocassionally appear on the JOLT Forum and talk to us. He also used to answer us in the Sound Choice Forum (where most of us used to go to give our requests). But now that BC is gone, SC doesn't really respond to anyone anymore in their Forum.

Author:  classickaraoke [ Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Song Requests

I know I've requested songs on a .co.uk forum and Ben from Sunfly reads that. After about 18 months we finally saw Presidents... version of Video Killed The Radio Star.

I emailed them once (4 years ago) and the song appeared on a disc 3 months later.


Author:  missbipbip [ Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Song Requests

I was on a website the other day (for Zoom or SBI, I can't remember which it was) and there was a place where you could make a request. I was impressed that they cared about our personal requests. I put a few in, not really believing I would ever see them. They, of course, weren't chart toppers, so I don't know that they would find it worth their while to produce. I wish they would, though, considering I've looked for them for years.

Author:  Cueball [ Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Song Requests

missbipbip @ Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:40 am wrote:
I was on a website the other day (for Zoom or SBI, I can't remember which it was) and there was a place where you could make a request. I was impressed that they cared about our personal requests. I put a few in, not really believing I would ever see them. They, of course, weren't chart toppers, so I don't know that they would find it worth their while to produce. I wish they would, though, considering I've looked for them for years.

That goes back to my original question.... Just having a place where you can write your requests doesn't mean much unless you know that they are actually making an attempt to honor (at least some of) those accumulated requests. And, you bring up a very good point about some of our requests NOT necessarily being top chartbuster hits. I know that when Joe (Zoom) used to respond back to us (on JOLT), he told us that his main considerations were songs that were popular in the UK. What may have been popular in the US wasn't necessarily popular in the UK. But, he has made good attempts at pleasing the American market.

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