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Sax N Dotty
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Author:  Usuespec [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Sax N Dotty

New to Sax N Dotty. Using Power CDG to rip my discs, but when I transfer them they all come out under the Track section instead of all nice and neat in their boxes. Looked for "tools" section and don't have one. Also, can someone tell me what the numbers are for (1-16). Does anyone know if there is a manual for Sax N Dotty? :mrgreen:

Author:  RLC [ Thu Oct 01, 2009 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sax N Dotty

When you import them into the database you need to select the naming convention (artist - title - disc-track, or title - artist - disc-track, etc.
If you do not select the naming convention it will default to all in one and that is what you have.

Look in your Sax N Dotty folder (Show Presenter) and the help file should be there.
I can email you the Help file for version 2.2 if you pm me with your email address.
(the versions are not all that different in how they work so if you have a different version than 2.2 it will still help you)

The numbers (1-15) are utility buttons for playing sound bits (or video bits) You have to assign the particular file to the button under "Tools" "Options" "Utilities".

Author:  Usuespec [ Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sax N Dotty

Thank you for your reply. I have version 2.29, I see no place that says tools or help. I've right clicked on the screen, and everything else. I also am putting my music on as disc No - Artist - song. It still brings everything up under track. My songs look like this:


Everything is here (under track)

Author:  RLC [ Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sax N Dotty

2.29 is actually the release date...what you have is version 3.0

Navigate to this folder and you will find the help file there named "Show Presenter.chm" just double click on it to open it.

It is in the following directory: Program Files\Digital Entertainer Ltd\Show Presenter

Also when naming your files they should have a "space hyphen space" between the artist and title and between the disc and either artist or title (whichever naming convention you choose) and then just a hyphen (nospaces) between the disc and track.

Example Artist - Title - Disc-Track (note the "space hyphen space")

Author:  Usuespec [ Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sax N Dotty

I am doing the Artist - track - discname-track. Thanks for the lead; I'll try the help folder.

Author:  RLC [ Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sax N Dotty

Usuespec @ Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:28 pm wrote:
I am doing the Artist - track - discname-track. Thanks for the lead; I'll try the help folder.

Your naming convention looks correct (assuming the first instance of "track" you meant "title")
Just be sure and select that convention when you import to database. (you might want to clear your database first so as not to have duplicates from the previous import) and then reimport using the correct naming convention.

If you have not imported to database but are using the "file view" to queue up a song then yes they will always show up as "all in one"

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