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HP/Plextor conflict
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Author:  TomSea [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  HP/Plextor conflict

I originally had a Plextor 712 for my burning needs. The discs played on any machine. Plextor burned out, so I bought an HP. The HP discs would not play on an RSQ or JVC machine, but played on all others. So, I buy a Plextor external S88TU, mainly for my laptop, but I burned a few discs to test the RSQ/JVC problem. First off, the HP discs don't read on the Plextor and the Plextor discs don't read on the HP.
Back to the RSQ...the KJ dumped the RSQ and got a Vocopro, so that test never got done...the Plextor discs and the HP discs will not play on the Vocopro. Will test them on CAVS next week.
I have converted CDG+MP3 to .bin files on a few discs, will that affect the disc playing?

Thanks, Tom

Author:  Micky [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HP/Plextor conflict

I suggest checking for a firmware update on the HP site :roll: I suppose you are using the same software you were with the Plextor? Have you tried a different cd-r brand?

Author:  TomSea [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HP/Plextor conflict

Thanks Mickey. I have been using Power Karaoke software for burning/ripping/creating/playing. I will check on the firmware for the HP.
As far as the show I attend:
I have read where the RSQ is very tempermental with copies, but does play Plextor burns. The Pextor & The HP burns do play on my spare Vocopro, so it may be the KJ's player that is not reading well?

I'll keep in touch

Author:  TomSea [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HP/Plextor conflict

I downloaded the new stuff for the HP. It now reads the Plextor burns but 'chokes and stutters' in spots. Maybe the HP is on it's way out. I'll just use my Plextor external until I get a few bucks for a nice Plextor internal. Thanks again for your help.


Author:  Micky [ Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HP/Plextor conflict

TomSea @ Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:24 am wrote:
I downloaded the new stuff for the HP. It now reads the Plextor burns but 'chokes and stutters' in spots. Maybe the HP is on it's way out. I'll just use my Plextor external until I get a few bucks for a nice Plextor internal. Thanks again for your help.


Just keep in mind that not all Plextor drive are made by Plextor, many are made by Ricoh and those are not real CDG burner. Make sure the specs says it can read cdg :wink:

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