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HELP! CDGRIP quit ripping
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Author:  Maryoke [ Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:48 am ]
Post subject:  HELP! CDGRIP quit ripping

Am I missing something? I've ripped many discs, all of a sudden it quit 1/2 way thru the last song on the disc. Somewhere I remember seeing a tutorial. Cause I'm just winging it here, & I thought I was doing it right. Compuhost offers no support cause it's free.

What do I do to get out of this?


Author:  Lone Wolf [ Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HELP! CDGRIP quit ripping

I think we need a little more info.

Did the drive die? or can you still rip?
What manu's disc were you ripping?
Did you try again? or could you?
Have you tried another ripper?

Author:  srnitynow [ Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HELP! CDGRIP quit ripping

Are you using the Compuhost (demo)? What hosting program are you using?

Author:  tbreen [ Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HELP! CDGRIP quit ripping

Maryoke @ Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:48 am wrote:
Am I missing something? I've ripped many discs, all of a sudden it quit 1/2 way thru the last song on the disc. Somewhere I remember seeing a tutorial. Cause I'm just winging it here, & I thought I was doing it right. Compuhost offers no support cause it's free.

What do I do to get out of this?


Is it by chance a Chartbuster disc? I ran into this a few times on their discs. Turns out they used some sort of copy protection. I wasn't able to rip the last track on those discs.


Author:  Maryoke [ Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HELP! CDGRIP quit ripping

It finally responded, & I got out of the dics (sweet ga brown), probably the 30th SGB disc iv'e ripped. Now it appears to be stuck in manual mode, cause it won't "select" my next disc.

I just found the preferences button. Should I be in Zipped MP+G (I only have about 6,000 songs) or just MP+G?

It's on constant bit rate (should be variable?)

and at 192 (is that what they consider optimal?) I read somewhere that 160 would be better.


Author:  missbipbip [ Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HELP! CDGRIP quit ripping

tbreen @ Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:11 am wrote:
Is it by chance a Chartbuster disc? I ran into this a few times on their discs. Turns out they used some sort of copy protection. I wasn't able to rip the last track on those discs.


I use CDR Win to rip and I haven't ever had any trouble, except with discs that have copyright protection. Were you ever able to rip those last tracks? There is a way to do it with CDR Win. You have to map the sectors first and then tell the program to only rip between certain numbers. I don't know if other ripping programs work the same way, but it may help with these CB discs. I've had to use this method on quite a few Sound Choice discs.

Author:  Maryoke [ Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HELP! CDGRIP quit ripping

I gave up on that last song when it quit. Nobody's gonna miss it.

I hit "refresh tracklist" & got out of manual mode & I'm ripping again (yeah!!) I'm still running in the presets that I mentioned in last post. Should I change them?


Author:  BigJer [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HELP! CDGRIP quit ripping

I've noticed that sometimes when I rip a disk using Compuhost, I can't get the last track. However, I also noticed when this happens it was on a disk where I got the track information off of Freedb. To get the last track, I put the disk back in the drive and AVOID using the CDDB lookup. Instead I type in the track name and artist by hand and Voila'! it rips!

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