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Sound Choice custom disks
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Author:  Dr Fred [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Sound Choice custom disks

It looks like the custom disk site at Sound Choice is down at this time.

Does anyone know of a legal alternate to get custom soundchoice cds at this time that is working?

Or have they changed their business model to make money by lawsuits and not selling product.

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice custom disks

Yeah, its called SBI. The tracks are just as good, and are a $1.99 a download... not $4 a pop with Sound Choice. Make your own "custom disk". Done.

Which is why SC probably dumped it. The idea of a "Custom disk" is really a thing of the past. I use "Power Karaoke" to make my own disks... the program is only $39.99. I get 50 disks when they're on sale at Radio Shack, 50 for $6.99.

It's so cheap to do I do a "custom disk" right before I go out somewhere so I know I'll be able to sing the songs I want to sing... in case the KJ doesn't have em. :)

Author:  Dr Fred [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice custom disks

Yes I get most of my songs through tricerasoft (they sell most of the SBI list, along with Zoom and Sunfly).

But they sell 75 songs for $90 or 1.20 a song in bulk, cheaper than SBI's price direct.

After tricerasoft, select-a-track, for a few more odd small karaoke companies from the UK

But there are a few songs that only SC makes.

Even if I get a custom disk I will just rip it into my hard drive. So it is effectively a download, just SC making it a bit of a pain with a few more steps involved.

Disks themselves are a thing of the past, just sound choice is fighting reality.

Author:  Cueball [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice custom disks

karaoke koyote @ Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:23 pm wrote:
Yeah, its called SBI. The tracks are just as good, and are a $1.99 a download... not $4 a pop with Sound Choice. Make your own "custom disk". Done.

Uh, the question was... "Does anyone know of a legal alternate to get custom soundchoice cds at this time that is working?"... he asked for SOUND CHOICE, not, what alternatives are out there.

And, that 1.99 per download is in pounds, not dollars. I just got 84 downloads from SBI onto discs, and it came to about $41 USD per disc (when all was said and done).

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice custom disks

cueball @ Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:40 pm wrote:
karaoke koyote @ Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:23 pm wrote:
Yeah, its called SBI. The tracks are just as good, and are a $1.99 a download... not $4 a pop with Sound Choice. Make your own "custom disk". Done.

Uh, the question was... "Does anyone know of a legal alternate to get custom soundchoice cds at this time that is working?"... he asked for SOUND CHOICE, not, what alternatives are out there.

And, that 1.99 per download is in pounds, not dollars. I just got 84 downloads from SBI onto discs, and it came to about $41 USD per disc (when all was said and done).

I don't buy direct from SBI, but from Tricerasoft, so they are $1.99 or less if you buy from them in bulk.

That said, I don't understand this, but it was funny. Surely, in an open forum one can make suggestions that are "outside the box", as this still qualifies as an "alternative" that the OP may not have considered but might find usefull... Hmmmm?:lol: And I do so appreciate the color coding:
cueball @ Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:40 pm wrote:
Uh, the question was... "Does anyone know of a legal alternate to get custom soundchoice cds at this time that is working?"... he asked for SOUND CHOICE, not, what alternatives are out there.


Author:  Avg Joe [ Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice custom disks

karaoke koyote @ Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:23 pm wrote:

Which is why SC probably dumped it. The idea of a "Custom disk" is really a thing of the past.

I talked to a guy at CB recently, and he said the custom cd's are doing great and that the people love them. :?:

Author:  Karen K [ Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sound Choice custom disks

I have now purchased two Selectatrack customs. I'm very impressed - I ordered last week and the disc arrived yesterday (Monday). Discs themselves are of good quality (like they'll last if you use them continually). I also download to my computer system and file the originals if I ever have to prove ownership or to reload on computer. They seem to have an abundance of tunes that I haven't been able to locate anywhere else, and the ability to purchase ONLY the songs I want is just such a great benefit. At hubby's show last night I was perusing the book and realized just how many songs in our books have NOT been sung. It's ridiculous, really. Not sure how having 100,000 songs is even a plus when selling a show. But then, I guess if you're not paying for them it doesn't really matter. I'm not interested in purchasing entire CDGs anymore for additional songs that will never be sung.

Anyway, I would recommend Selectatrack as an option for those interested in custom CDGs. (This custom contains a lot of Alice in Chains as they're bringing out a new album very soon and this always seem to spark interest in a band's prior hits.)

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