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lightyearmusic expierience
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Author:  simplysoundwyo [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  lightyearmusic expierience

has anyone had a bad expierience with these idiots? After spending thousands of dollars about a year and a half ago when we had just bought our business, this company couldnt even give me a receipt. In short they: sent me the jb199s when i had paid for premiers, then sent me the dual screen upgrade and said it was now the same.(not true different proccesors,memory etc) Not to mention operating systems for windows xp or ots dj on either(they refuse to send this) Aditionally they told me the 600 discs they sent me would make the library legal, when in fact they where just random discs. Also when one was down they sent me a loaner which i returned and they claim they never got back. I allso ordered a years worth of updates and recieved 3 months and nothing further. Another problem was they sent me a spidered lcd monitor and would not replace it. Lastly their customer service is the worst ever! i have advised microsoft of this shady company and have talked to numerous other ppl with similar and same registration issues that now arise with microsoft service pack 2 garbage. tell me your nightmares

Author:  DJ DANGERUS [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: lightyearmusic expierience

I deal with a local well known karaoke dealer. They also sell online but if I have a problem I can just walk right in the store and get service. I have found over the years alot of karaoke on-line sales are just from peoples home business and just like any other home business they go out of business all the time. I want someone I can get a reciept from and see face to face. Who will back up and warrenty anything I buy at their store. Not some flim-flam behind their garage home business selling CAVS systems saying they are an authorized dealer when you can't even get a reciept that is legal enough to cover the warrenty when you try and send back a unit to get serviced.

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