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Remember when? https://mail.karaokescene.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=17796 |
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Author: | jr2423 [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 5:09 pm ] |
Post subject: | Remember when? |
srnitynow @ Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:02 pm wrote: ...Funny how some songs can be associated with a certain time in one's life. ...Srnitynow
I know when I hear certain songs; I am transported back to a time. I'll be driving along with my wife, a song comes on the radio, and immediately I'll state the year, the month, where I was and what I was doing. I think she gets a little annoyed with me at times. She's five years younger so it's difficult for her to relate. How about you? What song(s) take(s) you back? Where were you then? What were you doing? It's nostalgia time. ![]() |
Author: | ok What Now [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:06 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Remember when? |
yes the song...georgia brings backs tons of memorys |
Author: | srnitynow [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:37 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Remember when? |
Yeah, it's 1966, May (I think), leaving a dance at the WOW hall. My friend's parents run the hall. He borrows their "brand new" 1966 Buick Wildcat (a big boat) with LOTS of power. He's going to bring some of us home, it's about 10:30 at night. He decides to bring the guy that lives the furthest away, home first, so we can all get to ride in this car. The guy's house is a little out of town, it's misty, and a little foggy. The guy we're bringing home tells the driver to take a "short cut" down this one road, no lights on this road, pitch black, right out of a horror movie. THEN, the clincher, the guy mentions, "oh by the way, the quarter mile is marked off on this road." We're doing about 25 mph, he says, "look on the road for a yellow line across the road", this marks the START of the quarter mile. Three yellow lines mark the END of the quarter. Well, as YOU WOULD EXPECT, 5 teens, not much coaxing, sounds like a good idea. NOW, THE SONG, Diana Ross and the Supremes, Set Me Free Why Don't You Babe is BLASTING on the radio. He punches the excelerator, I'm in the back seat, passenger side, NOBODY is wearing seatbelts. I'm leaning over the seat, calling out the speed, 50, 60, 70, etc. We reach close to 100-110, I look up, and there's a SLIGHT "S" in the road that goes over a canal. Needless to say, we didn't make it, and pulled a "Duke Boy's" jump, over the canal, and while IN THE AIR, colided with an oak tree that wasn't about to move. I was the luckiest of the bunch, (because I ducked behind the seat) when we left the ground. I won't go into any other details, but EVERYONE miraculously survived. SOOOOO, needless to say, when I hear that song, I'm back on Gannon Road, in the darkness, flagging down a passer by to let them know that I think my friends are dead. Probably not the type of story JR was looking for, BUT this is mine. Srnitynow Sidenote, I know the name of the song is "You Keep Me Hanging On", but what I wrote above is what I remember playing at the time. |
Author: | jr2423 [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:06 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Remember when? |
srnitynow @ Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:37 am wrote: ... Probably not the type of story JR was looking for, BUT this is mine.
Srnitynow There's no qualifications, just how songs relate to our personal experiences. And that was indeed an experience. So every time you hear Diana Ross and the Supremes singing, "Set Me Free Why Don't You Babe" you must feel like you're flying again eh? |
Author: | srnitynow [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Remember when? |
Yeah, that's one way of putting it JR. If it happens to come on when I'm driving, (especially at night), I sometimes STILL can feel a rush of adrenaline. Sounds crazy, but I'll crank it up, and even get the urge to push the pedal down, but I'm MUCH older, and MUCH wiser. Srnitynow |
Author: | lordairgtar [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:04 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Remember when? |
Knights In White Satin East side of Milwaukee, I'm just a hippie Jesus Freak and I'm hanging out in the Ham And Egger restaurant on Brady and Farwell. 24 hour place, with a juke box and drinking coffee all night long with french fries. That song takes me back there every time. San Fransisco Nights First time to the west coast crossing the Bay Bridge into SF. I was hitching rides cross country and this song came on just as we were entering SF in a white Volvo 1800S sports car. Wish You Were Here Me and my BFF Jill (whom I had a major crush on at the time) are riding in my 73 Eldo ragtop over San Marcos pass outside of Santa Barbara. Top down, wind in the hair...those were the days |
Author: | Chuck2 [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:37 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Remember when? |
Stone in Love, Journey. It was popular when I was old enough to do almost anything I wanted and young enough to get away with it. I can't tell you the feelings that song brings back, the good and the bad. I wouldn't change a thing about those days if I could. ![]() ![]() |
Author: | eben [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:18 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Remember when? |
My first Junior High School dance. The most popular song where everyone went out to dance, "Love Rollercoster" by Ohio Players. Everytime I hear it, reminds of my awkward moments of Jr. high. |
Author: | Steven Kaplan [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:16 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Remember when? |
Every song I here (from my youth) brings me to a given place in the past (the place is always one of the early times and exact places where I was when I heard the song- I am a synesthete so I actually travel back mentally and it's strange, sort've a curse). Regarding which songs, well, I'd have to play one to tell you where I am in the past at some given time... One album notorious for bringing me back to places around 1972 is The Moody Blues "Search for the Lost Chord". While that is by far NOT one of my favorite albums their orchestration (trippiness) with the Mellotron often will bring me to a location where I was hitch-hiking to work from Highschool staring at the same tree's and seeing the sky configuration while listening to a song such as "The Best way to Travel" from that given album, etc. No Joke- Songs DO bring my back to vivid sensory recollection. I suppose on the flipside, one advantage to this is that as an instrumentalist, I also hear the music composition (in fact I see it visually laid out) in its polyphony and this helps with instrument parts. Not singing of course. It doesn't work well because my vocal chords interfere with the process... ![]() |
Author: | Steven Kaplan [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:20 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Remember when? |
Every song I here (from my youth) brings me to a given place in the past (the place is always one of the early times and exact places where I was when I heard the song- I am a synesthete so I actually travel back mentally and it's strange, sort've a curse). Regarding which songs, well, I'd have to play one to tell you where I am in the past at some given time... One album notorious for bringing me back to places around 1972 is The Moody Blues "Search for the Lost Chord". While that is by far NOT one of my favorite albums their orchestration (trippiness) with the Mellotron often will bring me to a location where I was hitch-hiking to work from Highschool staring at the same tree's and seeing the sky configuration while listening to a song such as "The Best way to Travel" from that given album, etc. No Joke- Songs DO bring my back to vivid sensory recollection. |
Author: | StuartW [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:17 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Remember when? |
Man, too many songs, too many memories. Hard to pick one! But... does anybody else get false song/memory syndrome? Like, when I hear "Boys Of Summer" I start thinking back to the crazy love affair I had with that girl in California that time... ... then I remember I've lived in Britain my whole life and it never happened. ![]() |
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