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Partytyme discs
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Author:  earlchagnon [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Partytyme discs

Hey everyone!

I was hosting a show this weekend and someone asked if they could use one of their cd's for a song that I did not have. They gave me a Party Tyme Karaoke CD. I've seen them before in stores and online, but are they only for home use? What I mean is, is this collection along the same lines as say Sound Choice? Are they "legal" for KJ's to use?

Author:  leopard lizard [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Partytyme discs

I know that the Party Tyme label (Syber?) has sued other companies such as Karaoke Bay and Music Maestro for unfair competiton for not selleing licensed material so I would hope they are legal themselves.

We actually use several of their discs and they are pretty good. Good arrangements, good words, good sweeps. May be a bit loud sometimes. They aren't my first go to but if I wanted a song that same day and could go to K-Mart wherever to pick it up I wouldn't be embarrassed using it in the show.

Author:  Lonman [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Partytyme discs

I have some, as long as the club is paying their ASCAP/BMI fees, they are fine. No different than any other karaoke disc that you buy.

Author:  missbipbip [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Partytyme discs

I use them at my shows. Many of their arrangements are actually my favorite versions of some songs. I like a lot of their pop stuff and other things like "Johnny B. Goode". I think they are great.

Author:  jr2423 [ Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Partytyme discs

I don't know about any legal aspects of using them in a show, but I know they must be recorded (or reproduced) with maximum gain. If I don't catch it before hand, we all get a pretty loud wake-up call when the music starts. :o

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