Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Anybody else get this pm?
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Author:  DJMojo [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Anybody else get this pm?

Anybody else get this pm-


Sorry for contacting through message -

But just wondered if you might be interested.....

Brand New 320GIG Hard Drive loaded with

158,000 Karaoke TRACKS

right through until THIS WEEKS TOP 10

Never ran a Karaoke and not had a song thats been asked for

Also included in the sale is

(over £100 - retail value )

(over £180 - retail value )

( over £50 - retail vaulue )

Will INCLUDE ALL of the above software to get you started, and talk through complete installation process with you to get you up and running

IDEAL for KJ's moving from DISCS to DIGITAL
Singers / Bands etc..

320GB Drive / 158,000 SONGS / PCDJ /VIRTUAL DJ / List Creator


Please get back to me ASAP,

Thank you


Author:  diafel [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

Yuppers. What a loser! User has zero posts.

Author:  leopard lizard [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

I got it, also. Very scarey. Do you think it is part of the KIAA sting operation or just somebody who is really stupid in a clever way?

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

I got it too. He started a thread with the same info too but it was quickly removed

Author:  timberlea [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

Awwww I never got one. I feel so unloved and unwanted.

Author:  Cueball [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

timberlea @ Sat Sep 12, 2009 12:00 am wrote:
Awwww I never got one. I feel so unloved and unwanted.

Me too.... Oh well, at least I won't rip my hair out over it.

Author:  Jian [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

Please PM Phill and with a copy of the offending PM.

Author:  Lonman [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

He has been deactivated.

Author:  jerry12x [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

timberlea @ Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:00 am wrote:
Awwww I never got one. I feel so unloved and unwanted.

Don't worry, you can have the one he sent me.

I said I would take 10.
He quickly posted contact details.

He wont be the last.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

I told him that I only wanted one. I would make 20 copies and sell them. I never heard from him again

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

I got it within the last day or so. Was tempted to contact him back and say "sure, but make sure you send the discs with the drive as any other method would be piracy." Bet I would never hear from him. Or something like this " I know others you pm'd and most of those already are KJ's who legally have their own libraries. I wouldn't trade my library for one that has everything because there are only aproximately 39,000 unique songs (same artist same song) available on karaoke so I am not interested in 119,000 dupes.

Author:  karyoker [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

Damian Curran Belfast Northern Ireland....

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

[quote="DannyG2006 @ September 12th 2009, 7:05 pm"]I got it within the last day or so. Was tempted to contact him back and say "sure, but make sure you send the discs with the drive as any other method would be piracy." Bet I would never hear from him. Or something like this " I know others you pm'd and most of those already are KJ's who legally have their own libraries. I wouldn't trade my library for one that has everything because there are only aproximately 39,000 unique songs (same artist same song) available on karaoke so I am not interested in 119,000 dupes.[/quote]

Is that true???? Only 39,000 songs out of all of the ones listed in KJ Pro are individual songs? That must have taken a long time to figure out. LOL 119,000 or 75% of the guys hard drive is beeing wasted carrying dupes. LOL Maybe someone should sell a hard drive with just the 39,000 individual tracks??? Do you really need 30 versions of MY WAY? Can they be THAT different from each other??

Author:  karyoker [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

Preloaded hard drives inthis area have no value People were giving away music.

However they found out they were more of a headache than an advantage. My 13k+ selection with no dups or typos is worth 10 times what a preloaded hard drive is worth.

The ones building these "home systems" are the ones taking advantage of preloaded drives and after you help them they are out taking gigs at slash prices. While they cant compete with me as far as quality with the economy dead as it is, nobody can afford my prices. Neither can most of the bars that are ready to close their doors.

Cd's are a thing of the past and are a direct cause of present problems They can be copied and redistributed many times over. Technoloogy taketh away yet technology provides new ways of conducting successful businesses.

These execs need to get out from behind their desk just like everybody else is, get the facts and then adapt. You think Im nuts? Read about it....

bud your beer

Author:  jerry12x [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

Dont you see what is happening...
Pirate KJ's are undercutting the good guys.

Now the illegal hard drive loaders are going to undercut
the illegal hard drive loaders.

Give it another 2 years and you will get 10 million tracks for $5. :D

Author:  karyoker [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

They are all free now. People share them for NOTHING. They are worthless now....

Preloaded hard drives only give a temporary leverage. Day to day competition depends upon many other factors than large selections.

Author:  timberlea [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

Karyoker, copying a CD or a hard drive with illegal downloads is about the same. The CD wasn't the problem, it was the software developed to copy them. Just like when people copied vinyl and audio tape. Granted with the technology it is faster and cheaper. SC tried mediacloq to protect their product and it was compromised almost immediately and even it it hadn't been, customers complianed. You said someone developed a secure system for downloading. This will be cracked shortly and the problem will continue. Do I like it? No, but in the technological world it is fact.

Author:  karyoker [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

Following is the recorded dialogue with the seller.

Don't include information like passwords or credit card numbers in an instant message.

damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
sorry to contact you on this
but i picked up a message saying you were interested in Karaoke Songs?
was that right??
Ollie says:
no i got mine
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
ive got 158,000 for sale
im retiring
and passing on my collection
Ollie says:
do you have the original cd's?
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
i do in flight cases yeah
heaps of 'em
theres about 9 flight cases in all
and what ive done is transfer them all over to a hard drive
just to make it easie
easier, sorry
Ollie says:
you will have to provide the cdd's slso
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
sorry, what do you mean?
Ollie says:
the cd's along with the gard drive
hard drive
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
you want the cd's as well??
Ollie says:
yea for proof of copyright issues
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
thats not a problem
but you'll have to pay postage for the lot
Ollie says:
how many in a flight case?
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
theres about 9 flight cases
Ollie says:
over here they are getting bad about big hard drives with music and not the original cd's
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
oh ok
well there cracking down here alot too ....
but Karakoe is alot bigger in the States than it is over here in the UK
Ollie says:
what you need to do is take pics of the cd's and list by disc number then you can sell them over here
do you have sound choice?
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
all of them
i just need to know if your interested
Ollie says:
would sell them in lots
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
as im speaking to a few people about this?
do you need them?? or
just so im not wasting my time
Ollie says:
i would have to figure out if i haqve them so i would need a list of cd's
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
well i havent got time to do that
as there about 8 1/2 thousand cd's
theres alot
not a problem though
Ollie says:
do u have sound choice cd's?
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
i have every sound choice disc there is
look -
not to worry -
postage would probably be alot anyway
but thanks for speaking to me -
appreciate it ollie
Ollie says:
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
but if your sure i cant tempt you with a hard drive with all 160,000 on -
with EVERY sinlge sound choice cd on them
thats alot easier than the discs issue -
for me ayway
*anyway -
lord i cant type
Ollie says:
would need the discs also how much per disc for a few of them
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
sure we could come to an arrangement
we can get sound choice discs to you
im not using any of this stuff anymore
its no use to me
Ollie says:
are the d's in jewel cases?
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
mixture of sleeves / and jewel cases....
can make sure there all in jewel for you
Ollie says:
i have alot of sc now
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
question is how much are you willing to spend??
Ollie says:
not much right now im not doing gigs maybe $100 USD

damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
for the drive???
Ollie says:
for a few cd's if they are original
damian22@hotmail.co.uk says:
send me an email
will get back to you
thakns ollie
Ollie says:
ok will get back to you

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
ok will get back to you

Author:  jerry12x [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

Then when he has coppied loads of disks and carefully printed labels...
You will remind him of the inner codes used.
He will huff & pant and then try & sell us the disks as a "printed without the code".
A collectors edition. Worth twice as much.

He is one of many. In Ireland they still dodge the ocasional bullet.
Piracy will be low on the agenda.

Still a big religion feud. It will never end.

Unless he is selling Kaleshnikofs... Forget it.

Author:  jdmeister [ Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody else get this pm?

As it happens, I need a few dozen 7.62 full auto for my "Gun Club" mates. :mrgreen:

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