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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:57 am 

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Hi......GT here again from the the land down under.

Well after telling you the bad news on the sound choice titles being removed from

proburncdg.com I have now been told that Sunfly Australia has closed its one and only shop in Perth Western Australia.

I can confirm this because I live in the same suburb where the shop is.

I am a huge inxs fan and would like to think that it was me that was responsible for the new inxs songs that were added to the new indemand series.

Every week i went into the store talking to Neil the owner and asking for inxs songs to be added to the monthly voting polls.

By the way, it was me that hounded them for 2 years to get underworld's - underneath the radar to be finally recorded (my all time favourite song)

Anyway the story starts when i was looking at their new sunfly digital website which is soley designed to sell songs via download only. Thought this was a strange move on their part but never thought anymore of it.

I spotted a brand new Aussie classics INXS 2 cd had been released. Because i already half the songs from past indemand discs I thought i may as well just get the rest on a pick and mix cd.

Well thats when the trouble started........I was told that songs were only available for purchase from the download site and that a disc couldnt be purchased because they were not going to produce a batch of the inxs albums.

I begged for a pick and mix cd and they finally said ok.

I picked up the cdg and was suprised to see the UK owner of sunfly "John West" was at the store. Aparently Niel was away on holidays and he was here filling in for him.

Thought that was abit strange, its a long way to come from the uk to cover someones holidays.

Anyway.........3 days later I returned to say hello like i usually do and the doors were locked and have locked been ever since......no email replies, no phones are being answered, no signs on the door, no messages on their website, nothing.

The guy next door told me that they were coming in day by day removing everthing from the shop.

Tonight i spoke to a fellow KJ worker and she told me that she heard rumours that a NZ company was now going to be the sunfly distributer. Its all abit hush hush.

I am waiting to here back from the uk who i have just sent emails asking about the closure of the australian store, because i friends that are still waiting for their orders.

Its very unprofessional of sunfly not to have informed anyone the closure.

So if you have ordered from sunfly australia and have been waiting for more than you usually would for your order to show up, then this maybe the reason.

I will keep you informed, as I am hoping to catch them at the store because i pass there on the way to and from work every day.

I may even get the guy next door to call me when he see's them arrive and i will actually drive on down and catch them out and finally get the truth....I hope.

Rock on,


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:19 pm 
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I've posted "Just a quick question to the guys at sunfly. . . can you tell us what is going on with your shop in Perth Western Asstralia? Are you no longer offering Pick and Mix and taking karaoke over to an entirely digital format Australia? and will this affect us?" in a UK forum . . . on a thread Sunfly started about sunfly digital which is currently only available in Australia.

I wait with baited breath for a response.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:25 pm 
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Definatly keep us up to date on this one....

Thanks for the info....

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:16 pm 

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Ok man.......I got some more info on The closure of Sunfly Australia.

First lemme say that alot of people in Perth are really mad at how Sunfly has gone about the their closure. They have showed absolutely no respect for their loyal customers. Its disgusting the way they have treated EVERYONE.

Ok....I called clark music in South Australia who are the Sound Choice distributors for Australia. I wanted to find out if my proburncdg order was still ok, and lucky for me they were able to source all the soundchoice titles for me.

Now the owner of clark music - Allen he's still away in china but James told me that a company called Karaoke Home Entertainment in Melbourne was now the distributer for all of the Australian Sunfly Stuff. Their site is khe.com.au

James even told me that Mr Sunfly himself "John West" came snooping around his store in south australia not long ago but at the time he thought nothing of it.

I might also add that the sunfly series "In Demand" will not be continuing.

At least I got every one of my Inxs request's got put on the series. Woo Hoo!!

Anyway, thats the news on Sunfly Australia at present.

I STILL havent heard back from the UK, so rude, so secretive. Sunfly are really annoying me.

I will try and call Karaoke Home Entertainment over in Melbourne to see if they can tell me any more info on the takeover of Sunfly Australia.

Rock on,


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:15 pm 

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I have been a busy boy, working the phones.


Karaoke Home Entertainment based in Melbourne have bought Sunfly Australia.

The Sunfly Australia website will be soon be shut down.


The sunfly UK site will still be operational as it is seperate from the Australian One.

A redirect link will be set up for those that do attempt to visit au.sunflymusic.com/

it will take them to khe.com which is the site for Karoke Home Entertainment.

The sunflydigital website will not be closing and will still be operational


I hope that this helps everyone out.

I know i must sound like i am spamming or promoting for sunfly.......i'm not.

I'm just a person that has been affected by this sudden change and am trying to help people out from alot of problems if they are going to order anything from sunfly australia.

Im sorry if i have broken any forum rules by posting any bad stufff.

Just trying to help people the same way sunfly management should have done right from the start.

Rock on,


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