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OT: 50th anniversary party music ideas?
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Author:  jeffsw6 [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  OT: 50th anniversary party music ideas?

I am DJing a 50th anniversary party for my girlfriend's parents in two weeks. I am not charging anything for this, but I try to do everything professionally. Being that I'm 27, and the happy couple are about 70, their musical tastes will no doubt range several more decades than I've been around. I haven't done any events where the musical selection is expected to be that broad, so I would appreciate any suggestions the forum posters can offer. This is a surprise party, so I can't ask them for input. I suspect everything from Elvis and Chuck Berry up to current country / pop music will be requested. I carry a Verizon EVDO card and one-click purchase amazon.com MP3s liberally at all events I do, but I would like to be well-prepared.


Author:  karyoker [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OT: 50th anniversary party music ideas?

A little bit of big band Bill Blacks Combo has some good ones. 50's rock and classic country. good dance music Try to see what dance genres they like. Low volume and laid back but us oldsters like to rock too!!

Author:  srnitynow [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OT: 50th anniversary party music ideas?

If there is going to be ALOT of people the age of the LUCKY couple, you can't go wrong having all of the CROONERS. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Perry Como, Andy Williams, and so on, and on. People their age LOVE to slow dance (as a rule), so all of the 40's, 50's, and even a few TWIST songs should go over pretty good. Good luck, and Congrats to the lucky couple.

Serenity Now Karaoke

Author:  Zonerc [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OT: 50th anniversary party music ideas?

At there ages they going to have sons, daughters,grandsons ,grandaughters and so on so will have to run right through from 50's , 60's ,70's and so on to keep everyone happy

Author:  mckyj57 [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OT: 50th anniversary party music ideas?

Why did you put this in "Technical Questions" and not "The Lounge"?

Author:  BigJer [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OT: 50th anniversary party music ideas?

Mobile Beat magazine has a list of the top 200 most requested songs for weddings. Using a little discretion and common sense to pare out some of the more raucous numbers, I think you can quickly generate a good play list that your parents and their guests will enjoy. At my own parents own 50th anniversary a few years back I noted they particularly enjoyed dancing to "Saved The Best For Last" by Vanessa Williams -- a great romantic slow dance song that is so well mixed!

Here's a link...


Author:  TopherM [ Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OT: 50th anniversary party music ideas?

Yeah, I have done a few anniversery parties for older couples, and I treat them like a wedding, with similar music. You really can't go wrong with good oldies dance (fast and slow) songs from the 50s to 70s along with a hefty portion of the crooners and some of the more recognizable big-band-era songs. Have fun!!

Author:  ezherman [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OT: 50th anniversary party music ideas?

Anne Murray - "Could I Have This Dance"
Elvis Presley - "Can't Help Falling In Love"

Try some Michael Buble. A crooner that the oldsters will enjoy but a voice that the youngsters should recognize.

Author:  jr2423 [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OT: 50th anniversary party music ideas?

A great site for playlist ideas for any year and many themes. Here's their fifties page.
http://www.popculturemadness.com/Entert ... Music.html

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OT: 50th anniversary party music ideas?

Thanks for the suggestions! I did the anniversary party last weekend. The guests all seemed happy except for some guy who really, really hated Joe Cocker. I guess Mr. Cocker peed in his cheerios at some point in the past. I'm glad he spoke up, or I might have played a second Joe Cocker song later on. One of the guests asked me to do her daughter's graduation party in the spring, too.

Today I did the wedding from hell. A friend booked it and he is in the hospital right now. He asked me on Friday (yesterday) to do it. It turned out to be a lot more complex than he explained. A simple ceremony and reception that he said was all in the same outdoor tent at a park turned into 3 zones on 3 separate mixes (reception hall, outside, and chapel) and we had to set ourselves up on a balcony with stairs so narrow we could not fit rack cases up them, so we had to hoist them over the balcony railing! And they asked for a karaoke setup in the reception hall, but no one ever asked to sing. It cost me $200 in crew to get this thing done. I didn't ask my friend how much they booked for (he is in the hopsital, after all) but he described it as low-budget. The things we do for friends.

I had to send one of the crew guys to setup my bar gig so I could go home and change my clothes, as I got soaking wet during the wedding reception load-out. It started pouring right as we were loading the trailer.

And it was miraculously all on-time. What a nightmarish day. I will never do another wedding that has not been properly advanced by myself personally. Hoisting rack cases up over a balcony rail because no one thought to leave space for us on the main floor!

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OT: 50th anniversary party music ideas?

A great slow song is Journey's After All These Years. Talks about a long relationship in it.

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