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Press coverage for your show?
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Author:  DangerousDanKaraoke [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Press coverage for your show?

Has your show ever gotten any local press?

I'm sure not every city has the robust karaoke community we do in the Seattle area and the luxury of a local newspaper devoted entirely to the pursuit...but this month I was privileged to get a front page story about one of my shows.

If you've gotten press...how did it come about? Did you call the local paper and pitch a story? Was it a charity event for which you were playing? Do you have any suggestions for others seeking publicity?


Author:  leopard lizard [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

That's a great story and congratulations. Did you seek them out or did they come to you?

Author:  Babs [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

Congrats Dan !

I've been in the paper for a couple benefits and parties to do with the mayor. Usually it is just a side note to the event with a couple nice comments for me. Nothing grandiose.

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

So Tye came down and did your story huh??? You need to call him back and tell him NEXT TIME HE NEEDS TO SEND A REAL WRITER!!------THE SWINGCAT!!!!!

Author:  karyoker [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

My mug has been in a few papers as a singer but other than an occasional mention about benefits but have never had direct coverage. It is the best advertising there is esp with the cost now days. KUDOS Dan...

Author:  Cueball [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

I was contacted once (about 10 or 11 years ago) by a local News station (that appeared on one of the Cable networks) about Karaoke. The reporter got my name from someone else, and I recommended a very lively and animated person for him to interview. Well, when all was said and done, the person I referred him to had suddenly had stage fright, and backed out of the interview, so the reporter ended up interviewing me. He came to my home and asked me questions about Karaoke, and how I became interested in it, and then he followed me out to a local show and filmed me on stage. He also interviewed some of the locals at the show for more footage.

Author:  ripman8 [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

Very cool Dan! I'm new, no press although I've done Make a Wish and entertaineda at the high school after prom event. There was a local story about karaoke right when I got my current gig but it centered around the pirates.

Author:  diafel [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

ripman8 @ Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:04 pm wrote:
There was a local story about karaoke right when I got my current gig but it centered around the pirates.

Will they stop at nothing?
They're not content to steal the music and then the gigs from us, but now they're stealing the press coverage too???

Author:  Jian [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

I am media-shy. :angel:

Author:  timberlea [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

Well talk about timing. Here's a couple of articles of the host I manage, Laurie The Guy. He also had some interviews on the local cable channel (hey we'll take what we can get LOL).

http://www.thecoast.ca/BestMusicAwards/ ... ie-the-guy

The following is an article on the karaaoke scene here and some of the hosts, with a great pop for Laurie.

http://www.thecoast.ca/halifax/i-love-t ... id=1246612

Author:  angel910 [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

Real nice Dan. Has that helped the business? :angel:

Author:  DJMojo [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

Time to ask for a raise Dan ! :twisted:


Author:  DangerousDanKaraoke [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

leopard lizard @ Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:38 pm wrote:
That's a great story and congratulations. Did you seek them out or did they come to you?
I think they do stories on all their advertisers at some point in the year. Last January they did a story about the Monday night host who was so bad that 4 weeks after all that hype they still fired him.
SwingcatKurt @ Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:56 pm wrote:
So Tye came down and did your story huh??? You need to call him back and tell him NEXT TIME HE NEEDS TO SEND A REAL WRITER!!------THE SWINGCAT!!!!!
Actually, after I sent him a link to my blog, Ty (the newspaper's editor/publisher) expressed interest in having me perhaps write for the paper and said he'd get in touch soon.
angel910 @ Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:57 pm wrote:
Real nice Dan. Has that helped the business? :angel:
It's just been out since last week and already a few have mentioned it to me. I guess the real impact will be next week, although since our crowd is so college student heavy, I wonder if classes starting again will have more of an effect. Guess I'll see!
DJMojo @ Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:49 am wrote:
Time to ask for a raise Dan ! :twisted:
I hear ya! Actually I think I'm pretty much top end on the pay scale for bar karaoke shows here, but I'd like to negotiate a bonus on nights we ring over a certain amount. It seems they crowd more people in there for my karaoke show than for some of the 4, 5 and 6-piece country bands they have on the weekends. (No telling what they get paid, but I'll bet it's more than me!) If the economy doesn't affect my crowds, you can bet I'll try for a little extra jingle in my pocket soon.

Author:  Wiggly Dave [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

We have a magazine In Stockport that reviews Pubs and Bars...one of the sections is called "Karaoke Crawl"...wherE these people go into different bars and review the karaoke. When they came to my gig it was exceptionally busy..when its like that I won't sing...I believe karaoke is about the singers..not the host.......but the review read..."a great night with a lot of good singers.....the host,Dave has a nice voice.Pity he didnt sing more songs. Maybe hes a bit shy".......grrrrrr :shock:

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?



Get your quill and ink bottle out and get out there and start pounding the pavement doing that BEAT WRITER THING!! ).

------Hey give Peter Parker an email or call at KS---he might be interested in a FEATURE story from up Seattle/Everett/Marysville way featuring someone who's active here on KS.

The only other one from up that way I know of is the one I did on LONNIE at THE T-BIRD a couple years ago.(I drove 2 hours each way on a stormy Friday night becuase I thought LONNIE was THAT WORTHWHILE OF A STORY!! )

Around Portland, Ive done KS stories on MATT(KNIGHTSHOW-RIP) and Dennys at Canby(featuring Charmin-Bluestainedshoes) and a couple of STATE OF KARAOKE IN PORTLAND FEATURES. My next one will be about Brookings ORE and CRESCENT CITY CA--contrasts in Karaoke in the NORTHCOAST WOODS) then I need to get off my AZZ and do the one Ive been promising to FLipper!!!!

So yeah Peter is always looking for storys about KS members or STATE OF KARAOKE in remote locations.

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

Hey Dan---did u get to see the story i did in last months issue of NWKG on THE WATERFRONT BLUES FESTIVAL??

Author:  DangerousDanKaraoke [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

Yes, I did read that story...looked good!

The feature I pitched as a takeoff on the old "Inquiring Photographer" that many papers around the country did. A reporter went around asking one question of various people and put a picture of the person next to their answer.

My twist is that it would be a question asked every month of various karaoke HOSTS about the INDUSTRY. For instance, "What's the once piece of advice you'd give every karaoke singer?" or "When you go out to sing, what's your favorite spot?"

Have yet to hear back from the newspaper...I'll keep you posted.

Author:  Frank V. [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?


Here is a link to the Omaha World-Herald article which covers a karaoke
contest as one of the city's Septemberfest (Labor Day celebration) activities.

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

Thats a cool idea DAN---like being a COLUMNIST as opposed to a generalist beat reporter that u could say i am

Author:  leopard lizard [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Press coverage for your show?

[ My next one will be about Brookings ORE and CRESCENT CITY CA--contrasts in Karaoke in the NORTHCOAST WOODS)

My boyfriend's son runs karaoke in Crescent City/Brookings. He is also an up and coming country western singer/songwriter in that area so you may run into him. Seems to be a bit of a financial struggle up there, he says.

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