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Songbook innovation https://mail.karaokescene.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=17643 |
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Author: | Nipitnthbud [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:31 pm ] |
Post subject: | Songbook innovation |
There is a karaoke bar in Broadway at the Beach in Myrtle Beach, SC that uses a desktop computer as the songbook. I haven't been there in a while but they at one time had only one monitor for you to look up songs. I know that system has its issues but I was wondering if anyone has considered using one of the mini-computers in that manner. One or two if you can afford it velcro-ed down to a table in a resonable area ( and where you could see it) so the singers could sit down and make up a list of their songs and turn them in through whatever system you choose. At a really happening venue it could create a line but should move along smoothly. Maybe limit the search to 2 songs at a time. Could be another hi-tech nightmare but could save a lot of trees and book handling. This is just a wild thought but and ideas out there? |
Author: | Lonman [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:34 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Songbook innovation |
Like this http://www.songfinder.dkusa.com/ |
Author: | oicclouds [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:56 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Songbook innovation |
We had something like that here. Just an older PC with a search by title or artist funchtion, only I don't know what software she used. She has had it for over 3 years. ~Vicki |
Author: | DannyG2006 [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:11 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Songbook innovation |
Nipitnthbud @ Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:31 pm wrote: There is a karaoke bar in Broadway at the Beach in Myrtle Beach, SC that uses a desktop computer as the songbook. I haven't been there in a while but they at one time had only one monitor for you to look up songs. I know that system has its issues but I was wondering if anyone has considered using one of the mini-computers in that manner. One or two if you can afford it velcro-ed down to a table in a resonable area ( and where you could see it) so the singers could sit down and make up a list of their songs and turn them in through whatever system you choose. At a really happening venue it could create a line but should move along smoothly. Maybe limit the search to 2 songs at a time. Could be another hi-tech nightmare but could save a lot of trees and book handling. This is just a wild thought but and ideas out there?
I use a laptop for my search system. Have used it in a private party but have yet to use it in a bar situation. The private party did not include alcohol. My experience is that most, if books are not available, will come up to you to ask for a song. You'll get some that will understand the computerized books and others that will out and out tel you that they don't understand computers and are afraid they wil crash it or damage it in some way. I use Digital Search System which, while it wont give you the request, will give the singers more than just what's in your system but also will allow your singers to browse through songs they have already sung. |
Author: | Michaelangelo1 [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:57 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Songbook innovation |
A simpler option might be to put up a web page, designed for mobile screens, with your searchable songlist on it, and the ability to choose a song and email you the request during the show from their web-capable cell phones. Here are some tips for making your site mobile-friendly: http://www.mikeindustries.com/blog/arch ... e-friendly This way you provide the capability, and they provide the hardware if they want to use it! |
Author: | Nipitnthbud [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:00 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Songbook innovation |
All good ideas, but I was thinkin of keeping it simple with a 10 inch laptop with velcro tape on the bottom stuck to a table, with an excel file for a simple search. They would still use slips or a white board to list songs. I guess I am wondering if the access for a group of singers would not be enough with just one station. The keep it simple thought eliminates networking, software or other tech problems. As long a s nobody walks off with the laptop, which I think would be brazen, but could happen. |
Author: | Michaelangelo1 [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:30 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Songbook innovation |
Lowjack for laptops will allow you to trace a lost laptop. We have it on all of our laptops, but never had to use it yet: http://www.absolute.com/products/lojack |
Author: | c. staley [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Songbook innovation |
Thanks Lonnie.... here's the (rather dark) 2 minute video.... gotta make a new one http://dkusa.com/video/songfinder.wmv |
Author: | Alex [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:42 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Songbook innovation |
c. staley @ Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:07 am wrote: Thanks Lonnie.... here's the (rather dark) 2 minute video.... gotta make a new one if I want to use your software on 2 computers, do I need 2 licenses? If, is there a discount for more licenses? What with 3, 4 or 5 then?
http://dkusa.com/video/songfinder.wmv |
Author: | MIKE D [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:25 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Songbook innovation |
sevarin go to karaokesongfinder.com use link on site give you all info on this dont want to post in this forum is not for selling songfinder mike |
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