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Anyone looking for a SKB Mighty Gig Rig Rack?
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Author:  Michaelangelo1 [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Anyone looking for a SKB Mighty Gig Rig Rack?

Hello Everyone,

I am not a spammer, just a fellow KJ that has a rack I need to sell. I only bought this rack a month ago, it has never even been used on a gig yet.

I love it, but the problem is, it is too big to fit in my mid-sized SUV. It is like new, and retails for $490 at Guitar Center/Zzounds, etc.

It is very light for it's size and built like a tank out of ABS. It is double-depth, so if you add back rails, you can mount 6u in front, and 6u in back. It has a 14U+ mixer space on top. It has locking casters to roll, and when set up, it is table-height. It is an SKB mighty gig rig.

See details here: http://www.skbcases.com/music/products/ ... 18&o=&s=80

It is absolutely like new. I would be willing to part with it for $400. If anyone in SOUTH FLORIDA would like to buy it and pick it up from me, I am in North Miami. PM me for details.

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