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Emailing singers with info.
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Author:  angel910 [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Emailing singers with info.

If you use massive emailing to your singers, do they send you jokes and cartoons and other usless stuff that clogs up your inbox taking up your valuable time to sort through them?

I have been considering the email option but there is also the virus option from junk email.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.

angel910 @ Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:39 pm wrote:
If you use massive emailing to your singers, do they send you jokes and cartoons and other usless stuff that clogs up your inbox taking up your valuable time to sort through them?

I have been considering the email option but there is also the virus option from junk email.

I have over 500 email contacts right now. Yes you will get the people that put your email in the address book that they will automatically send/forward jokes/etc. back to you - some daily. SO? Create a secondary email account that you use strictly for sending with a note at the end - do not replay to this email as it will not be delivered or something.
Although I personally feel email is kind of old school these days, get a Facebook and MySpace accounts & collect those. I have over 500 contacts through both of these combined, many of which are already in my regular email list.

Author:  karaokeking211 [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.

Agreed Lonman. Email is on the out. Didn't think I would ever say that but its true. Text messaging works well if you have phone numbers. Everyone always has their phone and many get facebook or myspace alerts on their phones as well.

Author:  Moonrider [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.

angel910 @ Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:39 pm wrote:
If you use massive emailing to your singers, do they send you jokes and cartoons and other usless stuff that clogs up your inbox taking up your valuable time to sort through them?

I have been considering the email option but there is also the virus option from junk email.

The best way to do this is to use one of the free mailing list services that are out there. There's many that offer double opt-in, email notifications of new signups, welcome message templates, etc.

That way you can collect e-mail address and also have a signup spot on your webpage. The advantage is that the only address they see is the one for the mailing list. If you set it as an announcement only style list, they can send all the silly stuff they want, and it just gets bounced to a bit-bucket somewhere.

Here's a site that lists some of the better ones:

Author:  Avg Joe [ Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.

I too agree with Lonman. If you do go the email route though, make the addresses blind. I gave our address to one guy and then I'm getting emailed from 4 different kj's because they stole my address. Despite them stealing my address, they've been cool to unsubsribe.

Author:  Jason Christopher [ Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.

Hello All,

emails are NOT on the out. In fact, there are a GREAT source of income for me. The cool thing, is if it's used right, you can create 'cash on demand' for your products or services.

I also use social media sites (I am just starting) like Facebook, Myspace, Linked In etc. and Recommend that you use that too.

Anyway, back to email: Get every email you can and mail them regularly. I do my contacts once a week. You can go twice a week. My Marketing mentor sends them out DAILY. My Marketing mentor makes A LOT of money on email.

Plan your emails to deliver on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Monday ... people are too busy catching up from the weekend. Friday, I've never really tried.

This is the MOST important part ... DON'T just promote and or plug your show or pitch your product. People want to know YOU. They want to hear about the silly story about the Drunk and what he sang INSTEAD of "Tequila makes her CLOTHES fall off ..."

Be PERSONAL in your email. Go to my blog below for a sample of my 'personality based' email. You'll be able to tell it by the word *SAMPLE* ... go figure.

Notice that I've JUST started blogging too. I've been so married to email that I am only just now realzing the importance of 'social networking' too.

Just a 'teaser' please subscribe to the blog as in the next few days I'll be posting out to it what the Key things and email like this accomplishes.

Jason Christopher

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.

acclaim @ Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:00 pm wrote:
emails are NOT on the out. In fact, there are a GREAT source of income for me. The cool thing, is if it's used right, you can create 'cash on demand' for your products or services.

i know several of my singers have asked me not to email them personally but to MySpace/FaceBook them instead!

Author:  angel910 [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.

I'm not into my space and face book and twitter. I have no great compelling need to put myself naked in front of 6 billion people. I'm not that stuck up on myself or mental to need to expose every nook and cranny of my pitiful worthless life to total strangers just to have something to do. I have visited some of those sites to look around and frankly most of what i have seen and read is just plain useless. Who cares if you have a hang nail? Or your stupid smiley little mood? These sites are in the same catagory as soap operas for being a big waste of time and humanity.

People say enough gossip about me already without me adding my own gasoline to the fire.

I'm thinking email:

Hi, here is my schedule for September. See you there.

Not my aunt Minnie twice removed in Timbuck 3 had a cat that ....furballs...yak, yak yak...car broke down....burnt my toast :cry: Mood: sad.

hey it's been two hours since my last "nothing" post. :vomit:

I read your "nothing" post twice already. :withstupid: Mood: :D

I'll take my medication now...

Business is business and being a professional i don't consider anything on those sites anything close to professional comunication or activity. Useless, mindless, meaningless idol chit chat for braindead halfwits. Get a half of a life already.

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.

angel910 @ Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:37 am wrote:
I'm not into my space and face book and twitter. I have no great compelling need to put myself naked in front of 6 billion people. I'm not that stuck up on myself or mental to need to expose every nook and cranny of my pitiful worthless life to total strangers just to have something to do. I have visited some of those sites to look around and frankly most of what i have seen and read is just plain useless. Who cares if you have a hang nail? Or your stupid smiley little mood? These sites are in the same catagory as soap operas for being a big waste of time and humanity.

lol however with emails they just put you in the spam folder (which I have been told by several regulars, at least with the Facebook/Myspace/etc, they will see the posts. You don't have to create a personal site, make it a business site only that you just pass on the info. Who cares what THEY post, they will actually see what YOU post......

Author:  Jason Christopher [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.


I agree with Lonman.
You can make your site business only. Or have your personal site and a business site if needed. And by all means, if a customer asks you NOT to email them, don't. But then I'd wonder why they gave me their email in the 1st place.

You have to make it a benefit for them to sign up for your 'Private Members Only Newsletter'


Author:  Lonman [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.

acclaim @ Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:32 am wrote:

I agree with Lonman.
You can make your site business only. Or have your personal site and a business site if needed. And by all means, if a customer asks you NOT to email them, don't. But then I'd wonder why they gave me their email in the 1st place.

In my case it was because I was recording at one time & sent people a link via email with their songs. After I stopped doing that they did not want the email anymore, but still asked for updates via Facebook.Myspace.

Author:  ripman8 [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.

You've got a very wrong perception of this wonderful tool. Just becasue you have a facebook account doesn't mean everyone knows everything about you. Only what you choose.

Author:  missbipbip [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.

And as far as the mood thing on Facebook and MySpace, you don't have to change the mood all the time. Just use a mood line that you can leave alone, like "psyched about Karaoke" or something like that. (I'm not very creative, just an example). It can be a great resource though. Some of your customers may not find it such a waste of time to post mindless comments, but you don't have to. It's a good way to get messages out to lots of people at once.

Author:  Karen K [ Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Emailing singers with info.

It is possible to provide VERY little in the way of personal info on Facebook. I promote it heavily with my venues and singers because the more of them that become "friends", the fewer personal e-mails I have to send about changes/additions/specials, etc. So much easier for me to post something the day of a show, like "we'll be out on the patio tonight" (which I have dubbed "patioke") or advising that we'll have to sing in the lounge tonight due to the weather. It's a quick thing for people to open FB, check the site, and get my message. Allows the venue to also do things like post dinner specials, etc., etc. People can read as much as they want or as little as they want. Most people who use it in this way don't ever post anything themselves, just jump on for a status check.

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