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Anyone gone digital?? https://mail.karaokescene.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=17443 |
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Author: | letitrip [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:09 pm ] |
Post subject: | Anyone gone digital?? |
Digital console I mean? This past week I was working a gig with the band at a festival with provided production. The FOH and Monitor consoles were both Yamaha M7 consoles. Holy crap what a nice unit!! Need an extra compressor, just add it on the fly. What to change patching, no problem. I couldn't have been happier with the performance. So anyway, having such success with the console got me to thinking. A smaller digital console would be really nice for Karaoke. I mean I could replace my entire 12x10 (12 space rack with 10 space slant top) rack with a Yamaha 01V96. Instead of loading in my almost 300 lb behemoth at every gig, I could walk in with an amp rack, a console and my laptop (plus speakers and other misc items). That'd be damn nice. Now what I'm curious about though is has anyone used the an 01V or similar small format digital board. I'm particularly worried about sound quality. With a 96KHz sample rate, is the sound from the 01V going to be live audio worthy? Do I need to go with one of the higher end live consoles like the LS9 to get decent quality? Curious what your thoughts are. |
Author: | mckyj57 [ Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:21 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
Last time I looked at a digital console they were awful pricey for karaoke. What is that console running these days. It was over $2,000. It has a lot of inputs and outputs, and is very flexible I know. Does anyone know of any 12 input digitals or somesuch? |
Author: | jeffsw6 [ Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:12 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
letitrip @ Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:09 pm wrote: Now what I'm curious about though is has anyone used the an 01V or similar small format digital board. I'm particularly worried about sound quality.
Plenty of guys are using it for weekend bar bands, entry-level theatrical work, etc. On the level we're talking, it's fine. If you listen real carefully, you might not care for the way digital compression sounds vs. analog out-board; but you can patch some in if you are unsatisfied with it for some reason. The main thing I don't like about this console is button-punching. It doesn't feel right not having dedicated knobs for EQ and such on the channel strips. This may not seem like a big disadvantage when mixing a band; but when you do karaoke you might make dramatic changes to a couple of vox channel strips every 5 minutes. The change in work-flow might annoy you, or it might not. I don't mind telling you, I have thought about buying one. |
Author: | letitrip [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:59 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
Mckyj57, yes they are very pricey and that is a huge drawback. Right now the 01V is the smallest one I'm aware of. It's essentially a 16 channel board (even though they call it a 24 because you can get an 8 channel ADAT interface for it). The cost is high but could be partially offset by all the equipment and such I'd be able to sell if I bought it. Additionally, the value of not having to carry that almost 300lb rack of mine down 4 stairs at one of my gigs plus the wear and tear it puts on the car and on my clothes (i've ripped a few pair of jeans on it) would almost make it worth the cost. Jeff, I know what you mean about the dedicated controls. It is quite a shift and honstly I haven't played with the 01V yet to see how it is. On the M7 consoles I was using this past week, it's great because they do have a set of controls for all the typical channel strip knobs, you just have to hit the select button on the channel you want to adjust first. So I'd have to see how the interface on the smaller boards works to see if it's feasible. |
Author: | letitrip [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:21 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
So I pulled the trigger. Yesterday I bought a Yamaha 01V. I found one used on eBay for a really good price so I'm going to give the digital console a try. Best case scenario, I should be able to replace everything in my 12+10 rack with this console except the amplifier (which I'll mount in it's own rack). Worst case, if I don't like it or it doesn't work out as expected, I'll have no problem selling it for what I bought it for. I'm hoping it shows up soon, I'd like to have it for next week's Thursday night gig. I'll give you guys an update once I've had a chance to run with it. |
Author: | Jian [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:28 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
If you happen not to like it , I am a will buyer. I love to get whole of that board, not so much for karaoke but for band and open mic gig. |
Author: | letitrip [ Sun Aug 23, 2009 9:02 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
Well the console showed up yesterday (really fast shipping from the seller!!). I took it out and ran through the whole thing to ensure it's fully operational. Then tonight I setup my whole rig with this console out in the garage. So far I'm loving it. The sampling rate so far hasn't resulted in any loss in audio quality that I've been able to detect so far. I got all my EQ's, compression, ducking and effects setup. Man the thing just feels so much nicer than that CFX12 I was using (and honestly that board still felt pretty good). I love the accuracy of the digital board, being able to view exact fader/knob positions, EQ boost/cut, etc is outstanding. My first gig with the 01V will be this Thursday. I'm really looking forward to not having to carry that big rack in there anymore. Two 4-U racks (one with the power amp, the other with all the wireless receivers) and a console. I'll be bringing just the CFX12 (not the big rack) with me as a backup just in case, but based on the test run I shouldn't need it unless something catastrophic happens. I'll report back after the first gig if anyone's interested. |
Author: | RLC [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:37 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
Quote: My first gig with the 01V will be this Thursday. .......
I'll report back after the first gig if anyone's interested. I would like to know how this new digital mixer worked for you. |
Author: | letitrip [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:01 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
Went pretty well on the first time out. Had some small snafu's to work through but for the most part I had it all ready to go beforehand. The main issues I ran into were getting the proper levels on the EFX units, getting the ducking working the way I wanted (still not fully resolved) and remembering to select the channel I want to edit before adjusting the EQ's. Sound wise the board sounded great! The sampling rate had me a little worried but I really didn't detect any deficiencies. I love the accuracy of the controls on this board. Gone are the days of unpredictable pots (knobs) that go from 0 to full blast in less than a half turn and have dead spots in them. I felt like overall I had a lot more control of the system and I was able to get everything I needed out of it and more. The setup was much nicer, although at least for now it takes a little longer to setup and tear down. Sure was nice not having to lug that rack into the bar. Another thing I was worried about was the reaction of my patrons to the lack of equipment. Most were quite enamored by the board. One guy kept coming up and staring at it. I gotta say so far I'm pretty happy with my purchase. Now I just wish the dang case that I ordered for it would show up already, I hate carrying it and transporting it "naked". |
Author: | bonjovi [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 12:24 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
I have a 2 Bose L1 "Sticks" and a Bose ToneMatch. The tonematch is a digital tuner. It's a 5X6 box. I'm a small chick (5'2") so I don't like to haul a bunch of equipment. I set up 2 bose bases and the stick and tonematch plus computer and I"m ready to go. Sound quality is awesome and it all fits in my trunk. Love it. |
Author: | Moonrider [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:40 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
bonjovi @ Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:24 pm wrote: I have a 2 Bose L1 "Sticks" and a Bose ToneMatch. The tonematch is a digital tuner. It's a 5X6 box. I'm a small chick (5'2") so I don't like to haul a bunch of equipment. I set up 2 bose bases and the stick and tonematch plus computer and I"m ready to go. Sound quality is awesome and it all fits in my trunk. Love it.
I really wish someone around here was using those Bose line array systems so I could check them out personally. Sounds like a great idea, but I don't entirely trust the Bose literature. They're a little light on the spec info . . . |
Author: | jeffsw6 [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:05 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
The ProSoundWeb opinions on the Bose system seem to be entirely negative. Some of this may be brand-related; but not all. |
Author: | supremo68 [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:11 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
Hi all, somebody selling a YAMAHA 02R for as very good price here in Singapore. But all examples in the net says this is for recording. Can this be used of rlive purposes? Thanks |
Author: | letitrip [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:33 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
Yes, the O2R can be used as a live desk as well. |
Author: | Jian [ Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Anyone gone digital?? |
supremo68 @ 30th September 2009, 10:11 pm wrote: Hi all,
somebody selling a YAMAHA 02R for as very good price here in Singapore. But all examples in the net says this is for recording. Can this be used of rlive purposes? Thanks Like letitrip said; yes it can be use in live situation. But it if the price is good and if you don't like it, PM me an offer. |
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