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Here at my show, a great visitor
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Author:  mrscott [ Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Here at my show, a great visitor

Ok, here I am at my friday show, and we have a special visitor. I'm stoked a bit!! Eddy Arnold's younger brother came to my show. He sounds just like Eddy did. It's pretty cool when someone sorta famous even, comes to your show, at least I think so. We got big kudos for the bar being so beautiful. He also complimented me on how I host a show. That really means a lot from a real pro. He sang several songs, some of Eddy's too. He was pretty amazing at such a mature age, probably in his mid 70's. Boy, I hope I can sound that good when I get that age. Very nice gentleman. I thank him a lot for his presence and kind words.

Author:  Lonman [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here at my show, a great visitor

Remember his name, I had a guy that claimed he was Eddy Arnolds younger brother as well for a couple weeks, he said he does tours of his own. Description sounds the same.

Author:  karaokeking211 [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here at my show, a great visitor

I don't think that Eddy had a younger brother. I believe that he was the youngest in his family but had 10 older half brothers and sisters and 2 older full siblings. His mother was 44 when Eddy was born and she was 55 when Eddy's dad, Will, died. I don't think that she ever remarried. Eddie died oin 08' at the age of 89. For him to have a brother in his 70's is highly unlikely.

Sorry to burst your bubble. :( I had a guy last week claiming to be the drummer for Big and Rich and I came to find out he was a drummer in a Big and Rich tribute band.

Author:  mrscott [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here at my show, a great visitor

Eddy Arnold's dad died when Eddy was 11. The bio doesn't give to much mention about his family at all. But this guy was quite "humble" ( if i can use that word) about who he was. He sounded very much like his brother, so I have little doubts that he was telling the truth. This guy is from Idaho, so it is quite possible that the same gentleman visited your show as well Lonnie. Pretty awesome singer, even for his age.

He might have been older than the 70's, that's not really something I would ask someone, even a guy. He did mention that he was only Eddy Arnolds half brother. But the talent he showed was extremely professional and very very good.

Author:  DJMojo [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here at my show, a great visitor

A while back,some guy came in the bar and tells me he wrote the song "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" by the Georgia Satellites. Can't remember what he said his name was but he told me "he was gonna show me how the song should be done". I was weary but after a couple of singers it was his turn to sing.
This guy was butchering the song really, really bad. Now y'all might think this was cruel but I couldn't resist halfway into the tune knocking out the lyrics on his screen.(I figured if he wrote it, he should know it) Well, I thought he was gonna have a coronary right there on the stage. He had no idea what to do without the words. I didn't leave him out to dry but for a few seconds and turned his lyrics back on and he continued to murder the song.

After it was over he tried to tell me some story about how 'they"stole the song from him and all this crap. Its amazing some of the things people will try to have you believe.

I've had many celebrities come to my shows before but don't think I've ever had one sing.


Author:  karaokeking211 [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here at my show, a great visitor

mrscott @ Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:55 am wrote:
Eddy Arnold's dad died when Eddy was 11. The bio doesn't give to much mention about his family at all. But this guy was quite "humble" ( if i can use that word) about who he was. He sounded very much like his brother, so I have little doubts that he was telling the truth. This guy is from Idaho, so it is quite possible that the same gentleman visited your show as well Lonnie. Pretty awesome singer, even for his age.

He might have been older than the 70's, that's not really something I would ask someone, even a guy. He did mention that he was only Eddy Arnolds half brother. But the talent he showed was extremely professional and very very good.

I know that he was 11 when his dad died. His mother was 55 when that happened. He had a full brother that was 6 years older than him and a full sister that was 10 years older. His half brothers and sisters were much older than him. Here is link to a biography of Eddy Arnold that tells of his parents and his childhood. With quotes from Eddy himself. Page 7 is where it starts talking about his father and siblings.

http://books.google.com/books?id=LU40FW ... er&f=false

Not trying to argue mrscott...just sharing some info. Infact the gentleman sounds like a cool cat to me and I am an Eddy Arnold fan.

Author:  mrscott [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here at my show, a great visitor

Yes, it's quite possible that he wasn't actually Eddy Arnolds brother. Am not totally sure myself. Still, the guy was a terrific addition to last nights show. If if is true somehow, that he is actually a sibling, the resemblance is noticeable. And the voices very close too, but who, besides himself and God, actually knows? Doesn't really matter, I enjoyed it anyways.

Thanks everyone. Please feel free to add any good experiences with some notable people at your shows. I think it would be very interesting to hear.

Author:  karaokeking211 [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here at my show, a great visitor

I hosted a tailgate party at The Subway 500 Nascar Race that was thrown by Subway for some kids that had won an essay contest that they held around the valley. Jared (the Subway guy) and Tony Stewart were quests of honor. They didn't sing but did use my p.a. to say a few words to the 100+ kids. I also got a Home Depot cap autographed by Tony. I also was given 3 free tickets to the race and preamo parking passes.

Author:  Frank V. [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here at my show, a great visitor

I had Elvis stop by a show about a month ago. He sang a couple of songs
and then left. Said he had to head over to Lowe's, K-Mart and HomeDepot
before going home. ;-)

Author:  karaokeking211 [ Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here at my show, a great visitor

Frank V. @ Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:28 pm wrote:
I had Elvis stop by a show about a month ago. He sang a couple of songs
and then left. Said he had to head over to Lowe's, K-Mart and HomeDepot
before going home. ;-)

Elvis is always in the building! :D

Author:  tovmod [ Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here at my show, a great visitor

I'm a doctor a lawyer a movie star an astronaut and I own the bar

Author:  Lshiny [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Here at my show, a great visitor

The closest we have is the family of R&B / hip-hop artist Amanda Perez that regularly comes to our karaoke shows to sing. Amanda is from this area, and the family still lives here. Amanda was at our show once for a family birthday gathering, but declined to sing - kind of wanted to keep her appearance there low-key. But her dad sings, along with one of her sisters (who is a wonderful singer), and her uncle (also a great singer).

Author:  angel910 [ Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Here at my show, a great visitor

I had a guy that said he was a member of a very popular group. I looked at the pictures of the members and he didn't look like any of them. :angel:

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