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Help me make my decision.
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Author:  Nipitnthbud [ Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Help me make my decision.

I spent the big bucks for a computer last month and this month I am going to buy hosting software. Tell me which one you would buy MTU Video Hoster or Compuhost and why. I am especially interested in anyone who has one of these and would rather have the other. I have visited both their sites and about the only diff from a non-users eye is that the MTU system has the ability to populate your songbooks during the ripping process. Maybe Compuhost does as well but I don't know. Also does either pick up the song info either from the disc or thru internet connection when ripping. I downlaoded the trial of compuhost and I have had no time to even try it. Thanks.

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help me make my decision.

I prefer Hoster simply because it's an all in one bundle. Has the ripper, has the songbook, is the player. Has the ability to play customer discs without the aid of any extra prgrams or hardware. Simple to use. Stores singer history. Has onscreen marquees, displays next singers. Plays video files. It does pick up the info on the majority of discs when ripping either via the internet or it's internal database. But like any program not always accurate so you always want to double check.
The one thing on CH that I like is stats - it will show what songs were player, how many times, & when I think. But it isn't enough for me to make the move that way.

Author:  Nipitnthbud [ Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help me make my decision.

Thanks, any others with thoughts.

Author:  tbreen [ Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help me make my decision.

Do yourself a favor and take the time to FULLY evaluate all of your options. After all you'll be depending on your choice for quite a while longer!

Between Compuhost and Hoster... Well I know of quite a few users that have switched FROM Hoster to CompuHost (some on this very forum), yet I've never heard or read of anyone switching from Compuhost TO Hoster.

CompuHost includes their CDGRip ripper, which YES, does provide for Internet lookup as Hoster does (incredibly inaccurate) in addition to the far more accurate lookup using the Fasttracks database.

As for the songbook, bare in mind that the songbook capabilities you get in Hoster are basic when compared to the formatting capabilities of the CompuHost/Fasttracks combo. If all you're interested in is a basic songbook, you can also accomplish that with CH, without needing Fasttracks. Just export the songlist from Compuhost to any spreadsheet application, walla, simple songbook.

Good luck

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help me make my decision.

it depends on your individual needs.

if you need a hoster program, then yes, those work very well. If you want a dual player, those work, but also, clubdjpro has the ability to do all videos as well as karaoke. Winamp is free, and with the plugins you can do karaoke... or you can get other programs that use winamp as it's base...

Then there's merely karaoke playing software, like karafun (free), karaoke builder player (free)... there are zip players, all sorts out there.

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