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Generator power??
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Author:  Blade [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Generator power??

Would you be concerned hooking up your equipment to a generator to do a show?

I have an appointment with a potential client soon for a dj - kj tailgate party. I'm assuming a generator will be used. Power could be from the clients' RV. If that's the case, what should I look for/be aware of?

Also, I own a portable generator I could use. 8250 starting watts, 5500 continuous, with circuit overload protection. Is that sufficient?

To be honest, I just don't know if it's worth the risk of hooking up to a generator.

I would be using a laptop with external hard drive for the dj music. For karaoke; two cdg players, Yamaha mixer, DBX Driverack, (2) powered 15" speakers, (2)powered 18" subs, and small color t.v.

What do ya'll think?

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generator power??

I won't agree to use other peoples' "home depot" generators, but will use power from a rented commercial generator, or will bring my own for a fee. You can get a 25kW quiet diesel generator here for about $100/day plus fuel.

The main problem with using someone else's small generator, aside from not knowing if it is maintained correctly, is they'll want to put other things on it. Microwave, coffee pot, hot plate, etc. These loads might cause significant voltage drop when they are switched on, and that could potentially be bad for your gear.

Uncle Bob's generator is rarely grounded in compliance with electrical code, either. That can be a safety issue and if someone is hurt, you could be liable!

Author:  jdmeister [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generator power??

^^^ All true, and of course, it will run out of fuel just when the KJ gets up to sing..

Author:  karyoker [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generator power??

Would recommend using a cigarette lighter adapter for the laptop. Most power supplies now will take a wide variance. The trouble with running out of gas is if they sputter and cough if they dont have an auto shutoff they put spikes on the line.

Aboard ship if we had the radars up to full power and they dropped the load it would take hours to get them working and tuned again.

Author:  angel910 [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generator power??

Do you have a good surge protector? Laptops have a voltage regulator in them. It can be burntout from overload.

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Generator power??

Blade @ Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:29 pm wrote:
Would you be concerned hooking up your equipment to a generator to do a show?

I have an appointment with a potential client soon for a dj - kj tailgate party. I'm assuming a generator will be used. Power could be from the clients' RV. If that's the case, what should I look for/be aware of?

Also, I own a portable generator I could use. 8250 starting watts, 5500 continuous, with circuit overload protection. Is that sufficient?

To be honest, I just don't know if it's worth the risk of hooking up to a generator.

I would be using a laptop with external hard drive for the dj music. For karaoke; two cdg players, Yamaha mixer, DBX Driverack, (2) powered 15" speakers, (2)powered 18" subs, and small color t.v.

What do ya'll think?

I ran a bands stage equipment with no problems on a 1000 watt generator - included a bass amp & 2 guitar amps. The PA was on a separate 5000 watt generator which included an 8000 watt amp system, mixer & all effects racks - 2 hours show continous. Your generator would have no trouble with a karaoke system you outlined - make sure you try to position it FAR away from the singers as it will be loud and keep it gassed up, however the generators I used only held a gallon gas & didn't have a problem running out through the show.
Surge protectors are a good idea as mentioned.

Author:  LondonLive [ Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Generator power??

Running any audio gear off a generator can be scary but if you are careful and play by the rules you should be fine. To error on the safe side I make sure the generator is capable of delivering at least twice the watts my equipment needs. I usually will devalue the generator by 50%, meaning if the generator says it will supply 10,000 watts, then you can figure 5,000 watts safely (maintain a pure sine wave). Always make sure the generator has a ground rod in use and it is a good idea to maintain a dummy load on the generator at all times, something like a 300 watt par can burning would probably do, two percent of the generators rating is ideal. This will help the generator regulate itself particularly when its running under a light load. Transients in power amplifiers caused by musical dynamics can tax the generators regulator. Do not plug in your gear until the generator is running and warmed up and always unplug your gear before powering the generator down. As an added note, the motor home you refer to quite possibly has an Onan generator onboard, a very reputable company.

Author:  EElvis [ Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Generator power??

Running a Laptop karaoke/dj system off of a generator is practically no risk. Remember if the power fails the internal Battery will keep it up. pa systems and such are not pickey. I have done many shows during and after hurricane katrina off of a 5000 watt coleman

Author:  karyoker [ Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Generator power??

Running a Laptop karaoke/dj system off of a generator is practically no risk. Remember if the power fails the internal Battery will keep it up. pa systems and such are not pickey. I have done many shows during and after hurricane katrina off of a 5000 watt coleman

What you say is true.

However if the earth ground is lifted power surges or spikes will fry a laptop or most gear in the rack. If I had to I would put a dual battery system in my van and run the whole rack. You could do it with jumper cables temporarily. Also I would not be subject to having trouble with portable generator hum.

Author:  TopherM [ Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Generator power??

I run a bi-monthly show for the last two summers for a cornhole/bag toss tourny down at the beach and use a generator, and have never had a problem. Again, a good surge protector should make you feel safe.

Author:  Blade [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generator power??

Thank you everyone for your very helpful input. I really apprciate it.

Author:  supercharged [ Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Generator power??

I had one issue with a new generator that would produce to many volts. power amps refused to power up. Keep a volt meeter on your system to be sure what you have.

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