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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:37 pm 
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I am adding a Sub to my system 8)
I will be using yamaha s115v tops powered by QSC GX5 amp. The sub will be powered by a "Bridged" QSC RMX2450 with a DBX 223xl crossover. I have everything bought except the SUB.
At first I was planning on the yamaha because I like the brand. GC doesn't stock the yamaha so it would cost a few dollars more (with shipping) than the JBL which they do stock. Do you think I should get the JBL or go ahead and pay a little more for the yamaha to be shipped to me. Or, is there a better Sub in this price range I should consider. THANKS

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:47 pm 
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If I'm not mistaken the JBL is a 4 ohm cabinet and the Yamaha is an 8 ohm cabinet. If you are planning on adding a second sub down the road this might become a bit of a problem for you. If good ole GC wants to charge you more for shipping and you want the Yamaha, I would just use a more cooperative store like zZounds or SameDayMusic just to name a couple. They appear to be more than happy to ship one to you for 449.95 with free shipping. I've never been a fan of GC.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:33 am 
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Thanks LondonLive you make a good point about using another company for the purchase.
I missed that the JBL was 4 ohm :oops:
I don't plan on adding a second sub down the road. My RMX 2450 is 2,400w @ 4 ohms bridged mono is that too much power for the JBL which is rated at 350w continuous and 1400w peak :?:
I have kinda gotten used to the idea of walking out of the store with the JBL this weekend.
The power ratings sometimes confuse me when I'm trying to make the best choice :?
Knowing I will only want 1 sub, and the amp I am using, which sub would you recomend.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:16 am 
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Of the two I would still prefer the 8 ohm Yamaha in your case. The 2450 bridged @ 8 ohms is a better fit for the Yamaha as it's within a couple of hundred watts of the speakers peak rating. The 2450 being bridged @ 4 ohms for the JBL would be around twice the rated peak power. I could see that QSC easily destroying the JBL if your not careful. The JBL uses a 3" voice coil, I think the Yamaha may use a 4" voice coil but I'm not positive. If you want to get the most out of your amp without breaking the bank you might want to consider the Carvin LS1801N, decent sub, runs @ 4 ohms, 4 inch voice coil 1600 watt program, 3200 peak. The Carvin would be a good match for your RMX2450. It should be able to be had for around 440 shipped right now
http://www.carvinguitars.com/products/s ... ct=LS1801N

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:48 am 
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I opened up a Yamaha series IV sub once, the earlier version, and the driver looked like a rebadged Eminence Sigma (3" VC). I really don't know what they put in them now.

This box had literally rattled apart. The MDF construction wasn't the best of materials or workmanship. But if it's for light karaoke duty it should suffice, as would the budget JBL.

If you're pushing it, I'm not a fan of either of these two choices. In addition to Londonlive's Carvin suggestion, Peavey makes an excellent sub in this price range, although I think it's a little over $500. Plywood box and 4" VC driver. Rather big though. Not compact, which may be an issue.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:16 am 
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I just ordered the Carvin Sub.

I will post a follow up after I have a chance to use it.

Thank you LondonLive and Bill H for your replies.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:30 pm 
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Bill H. @ Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:48 am wrote:
I opened up a Yamaha series IV sub once, the earlier version, and the driver looked like a rebadged Eminence Sigma (3" VC). I really don't know what they put in them now.

This box had literally rattled apart. The MDF construction wasn't the best of materials or workmanship. But if it's for light karaoke duty it should suffice, as would the budget JBL.

If you're pushing it, I'm not a fan of either of these two choices. In addition to Londonlive's Carvin suggestion, Peavey makes an excellent sub in this price range, although I think it's a little over $500. Plywood box and 4" VC driver. Rather big though. Not compact, which may be an issue.

A friend that repairs speakers said Yamaha uses the Eminence speakers for all their boxes now. He acted like that was a good thing. I'll have to take his word for it.

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