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Balanced or Unbalanced + Mono or Stereo Jacks???
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Author:  goldenbuff96 [ Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Balanced or Unbalanced + Mono or Stereo Jacks???

OMG, I'm just so confused. Please help me out.

Here is my set up -> FX unit into Mixer

Mixer - has ONE Aux Send (needs 1/4" impedance balanced jack-type output)
Mixer - has TWO Returns (needs 1/4" unbalanced phone jack-type inputs)

FX Unit - has TWO 1/4" balanced jack analog inputs
FX Unit - has TWO 1/4" balanced jack analog outputs

I think this is what I need to do:

1) "Balanced" line with "Mono" jacks to connect Mixer (ONE Aux Send) to FX (LEFT analog input) - Is this correct???

2) What do I use to connect the two FX "Balanced" Outputs to the two Mixer "Unbalanced" Returns??? Balanced or Unbalanced lines??? With Mono or Stereo Jacks???

Thanks in advance!!!

Author:  Moonrider [ Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Balanced or Unbalanced + Mono or Stereo Jacks???

Giving us the make and model of your mixer might help us give a more useful reply

Author:  LondonLive [ Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Balanced or Unbalanced + Mono or Stereo Jacks???

There is no real mystery here and the brand of equipment really has no bearing for this simple reason. TRS jacks are electronically balanced, so if you plug in a mono plug, they simply turn into an unbalanced output. For short runs you could use a simple T/S cable for both input and output. If it makes you feel better you could use a T/R/S from your mixer to your FX device and a T'S cable from your FX device back to your mixer.

Author:  goldenbuff96 [ Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Balanced or Unbalanced + Mono or Stereo Jacks???

Thanks LondonLive!

I ended up using a TRS cable to connect the Mixer's 1 Aux Send to the FX's Left Input and the 2 TS cables to connect the FX's 2 Outputs to the Mixer's 2 Returns.


My Mixer is the Yamaha MG102c

My FX unit is the TC Electronic M300

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