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CompuHost Video Bits option - Creative Uses?
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Author:  TopherM [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  CompuHost Video Bits option - Creative Uses?

I have been using the Video Bits option in CompuHost to flash a bunch of quick animated GIF files on the screen of people dancing/clapping, etc., with good results. The crowd loves the funny ones when they are properly and tastefully placed.

Last night, I dabbled in actually putting some music videos in there. I don't plan on using those videos at my show, as that has to be a clear copyright violation, but it would be SOOOOOO much fun if I could!!

I also use the AudioBits to give sort of "theme songs" for my regulars when they walk up. Most are bits of movie quotes.

Does anyone else have any creative ways they use the CompuHost VideoBits/AudioBits functions? These are GREAT features in my opinion that REALLY add to a show, and I would like to hear some other unique ways they are used. I'm pretty new to CompuHost, so I'm still realizing all the great options the program offers. Thanks!

Author:  ripman8 [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CompuHost Video Bits option - Creative Uses?

Like you, I have both. Googled my way to lots of funny audio and video. I have Beavis and Butthead rocking out, I have a man drinking a drink while a woman goes from two ton to lucious, I have a snake that crawls up behind a lady and eats her whole. I have the stooges. The one that gets that must laughs is called "Duck You Sucker" and shows George Bush being attacked by a flying shoe. I wish Compuhost would let you put more than 45 on the program at a time. I have tons of audio bits including Austin Powers "yeah baby". etc etc. I like to pick some of these at the end of a performance.

When someone is a bit late making it to the stage, I use the Final Jeopardy theme.

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