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Non-bar karaoke venues?
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Author:  Ronnie [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Non-bar karaoke venues?

Are there such things? Is it possible to attract singers without the liquid courage? I love to sing but not crazy about the bar scene. Oh, I go to a bar now & then and drink a few rum & cokes and sing. I'm not a prude, but would really like to sing without the added issues that come with a bar. I just wonder if anyone had any experience with karaoke at such a venue.

Author:  Lonman [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

Ronnie @ Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:32 am wrote:
Are there such things? Is it possible to attract singers without the liquid courage? I love to sing but not crazy about the bar scene. Oh, I go to a bar now & then and drink a few rum & cokes and sing. I'm not a prude, but would really like to sing without the added issues that come with a bar. I just wonder if anyone had any experience with karaoke at such a venue.

It can be done, usually not very successfully - meaning it's rare that a non-alcohol karaoke venue can survive. If you don't want to go to a bar, may be worth investing in your own karaoke system for home use & host your own private karaoke parties.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

Any venue has to be able to sell enough of something to make a profit. I can't see a bunch of people hanging out at a bookstore singing karaoke and drinking cup after cup of Starbucks priced coffees. People already congregate at bars so it's the logical place for an activity like karaoke.

Author:  Karen K [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

I've heard of pizza places doing karaoke - again, though, it is the alcohol that brings in the most dollars/hour so it's tough to get a really successful show at a non-bar...(You may find the $50 home system and someone willing to do it for $25 and we know how much fun THAT is.)

Author:  Keepinitcntry [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

Hi folks,
My reply is to agree with Lonman.. I too gather at the bar to enjoy singing out live. I don't need the booze but will go along with the program and have one so I don't look out of place.. I don't need it really, nor desire it cause I truefully am there just to sing. Most KJ.DJ's will accomadate the booze drinkers in priority on a gig night though, cause thats were they're making their money for the establishment. Been blown off the rotation list plenty of times because I'm not with a crowd drinking all the booze.. Thanks for sharing the discussion..


Author:  mckyj57 [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

I do alcohol-free gigs -- I just don't get paid for them.

I do a once-a-month gig at a state park (May - Oct) and a couple of church functions a year. Other than that, I never see them.

I end up finding gigs that 1) start early and 2) have good food. Then I make them my regular stops. There is a definite market for this, but it hasn't been well penetrated yet.

You can get some pretty decent karaoke at the Eagles, American Legion, etc. Those have booze of course, but they are very low pressure and don't usually have a huge profit imperative.

Author:  Ronnie [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

Yeah, guys... that's pretty much what I thought. I'm kinda like keepinitcntry. I drink a couple over the course of the evening and fill in with coke the rest of the time. But, I'm there to sing, not to drink and sometimes it's rough being the sober guy dealing with a roomful of drunks. LOL

I do have my own machine with a fair collection of disks so singing at home is an option for me, but ya gotta have the social atmosphere - so I guess I'll put up with the drunks too! lol

Author:  seattledrizzle [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

I've never seen karaoke at a non-alcohol place. If they had it at a coffee shop, I'd go. I like having a cold beer or a Margarita, but I don't drink a lot...

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

I do a monthly gig for a social club that is alcohol free. fairly popular. Usually only have time for one or two rotations. I get paid for it though by what comes in at the door. At a dollar a person it's not much but that is what I agreed to do to help the social clubout whcih doesn't have a lot of money to go around. I'm a member of it so I feel I'm doing my part.

Author:  Karen K [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

seattledrizzle @ Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:47 pm wrote:
I've never seen karaoke at a non-alcohol place. If they had it at a coffee shop, I'd go. I like having a cold beer or a Margarita, but I don't drink a lot...

Hey Seattledrizzle (not so drizzly now, is it? almost 95 again today...) My Thur on-the-patio gig has just now added Fridays, 6 to 10 -- no drunks, just wonderful singers, fabulous food, etc. Hope you'll be able to get up here soon!


Author:  seattledrizzle [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

Karen, I do plan to make it there....glad it is no longer 103 degrees. Maybe I will have to practice Too Hot by Kool and the Gang. :mrgreen:

Author:  Karen K [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

Too Funny! Looking forward to meeting you.


Author:  missbipbip [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

There's one more type of gig you may find successful that doesn't involve alcohol. One that includes children being able to sing. I have a gig like this. My town hired me to do a gig on an outdoor gazebo for family night. My gig caters mostly to children and teens, and the rotation is never ending. They love it!! If you could get a gigs for community activities, you could also include adults. It would be great actually, because you would get serious singers. It would eliminate those that get tanked and then decide they have enough "liquid courage" to butcher a song by screaming or talking through the whole thing.

I'm trying to open a karaoke business for this kind of thing. People will pay to sing and I'll be selling concessions and souvenirs. (Videos, cds, etc.) Most areas wouldn't allow a business like this to make its payroll, but I live in a tourist area (the beach), and parents are so proud when their children sing. It's great. Maybe you should talk to your town about hosting a family karaoke night at a local park or something like that. It just might work!!

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

seattledrizzle @ Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:47 pm wrote:
I've never seen karaoke at a non-alcohol place. If they had it at a coffee shop, I'd go. I like having a cold beer or a Margarita, but I don't drink a lot...
There is a coffee place down here that has karaoke, but they also serve deli style food & recently got beer/wine license - so they have other stuff to offer.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

Ronnie @ Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:21 pm wrote:
I drink a couple over the course of the evening and fill in with coke the rest of the time. But, I'm there to sing, not to drink and sometimes it's rough being the sober guy dealing with a roomful of drunks. LOL

Plus if you don't happen to drink on certain nights, then some bar managers & even a handful of karaoke hosts may consider you a freeloader that doesn't support the club & could end up not letting you to sing or kicking you out of the club altogether.

Author:  karyoker [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

In a couple of weeks we have a tryout at a cafe in loveland with an outside stage. These hours will start earlier and end earlier. Can you imagine tearing down at 10P?

I have done gigs at AA clubs and they were very successful. In fact one of my alltime favorite gigs was at a bikers AA club in Cheyenne. Can you imagine having short testimonies between songs? Or starting out a show with Hello My Name Is Ollie I am an Aolcoholic. I will be hosting here tonight. It was different to say the least. Your format must adapt to the crowds.

It seems in this area most of the singers do not need liquid courage and as I do my confidence wanes with every drink I have. Also I like venues where parents can bring their kids. It is more relaxing as nobody is as demanding like in a bar with karaoke maniacs.

Author:  supercharged [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

ive got five shows at our county fair this month. Im really looking forward to the kids. Private partys are "non bar" and pay the bills, but are not steady. try checking into local "teen clubs" skating rinks or bowling alleys about a karaoke night. Ive got two really nice bowling alleys both within a mile of me owned by the same people. Ive always thought about trying a sunday evening or something there. unfortunately ascap fees do come into question.

Author:  Ronnie [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

Ronnie @ Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:21 pm wrote:
I drink a couple over the course of the evening and fill in with coke the rest of the time. But, I'm there to sing, not to drink and sometimes it's rough being the sober guy dealing with a roomful of drunks.

Plus if you don't happen to drink on certain nights, then some bar managers & even a handful of karaoke hosts may consider you a freeloader that doesn't support the club & could end up not letting you to sing or kicking you out of the club altogether.

Well, I've never had a problem there. I may not be drinking a lot of booze, but I'm always drinking something.... and the price of a 12oz glass of coke ain't cheap in most bars. Other than the bartender, who knows what I'm drinking anyway.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

supercharged @ Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:15 pm wrote:
Private partys are "non bar" and pay the bills, but are not steady.

I think that is what he was asking about steady weekly non-bar type shows.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-bar karaoke venues?

Ronnie @ Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:52 pm wrote:
Ronnie @ Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:21 pm wrote:
I drink a couple over the course of the evening and fill in with coke the rest of the time. But, I'm there to sing, not to drink and sometimes it's rough being the sober guy dealing with a roomful of drunks.

Plus if you don't happen to drink on certain nights, then some bar managers & even a handful of karaoke hosts may consider you a freeloader that doesn't support the club & could end up not letting you to sing or kicking you out of the club altogether.

Well, I've never had a problem there. I may not be drinking a lot of booze, but I'm always drinking something.... and the price of a 12oz glass of coke ain't cheap in most bars. Other than the bartender, who knows what I'm drinking anyway.

Yeah i've never had a problem with someone having one then Coke the rest of the night.
Other than the bartender is correct! Again, it was only a handful of hosts that argued here that they could tell what people were spending or not (drinks in front of them doesn't mean they aren't buying something even for others).

Back to OP, I agree there are some bowling alleys up here that do stuff like rockaraoke-&-bowl. Most of them have been kind of sporadic, but seem to keep bringing them in avery once in a while. Not sure about skating rinks, all of them have since closed down around here, skate parks seem to be where it's happening now days.

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