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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:42 am 
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Other than "tip your bartender" or "Tip Tara, tip her well" etc what other thanks do you say?

I know that I say, "Alright, we got Tina and Tara behind the bar, serving cold drinks and sweet smiles, so think about them as you pay your tab and give 'em some love in tn the form of the green stuff!" or some variation of that through out the night. I'm just lookin' for some fresh jargon. :D

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:05 am 
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I try not to do anything repetitive, but find myself running out of options on verbage as well. But, sometimes I say something like, "You guys and gals out there have a good time see that lovely lady working behind the bar for your drinking pleasure? Make sure you are generous and give a lot of love and big tips to that hard working lady. Take care of her, and she'll take care of you".....Like I said, i try not to become to "predictable" on such matters, but I to would be interested in what people say for the benefit of the hard working folks at the bar.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:08 am 
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"Don't forget to tip the bartender tonight, the more you tip, the stronger your drinks get"

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:55 am 
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I just don't do it. I have never tipped a bartender because some KJ or customer says on a mic to make sure to take care of the bartender. I tip a bartender who does a good job. If they suck, then they get what they deserve, maybe nothing.

Perfect example, after one of my new gigs, I talked to my regulars the next night at my other gig. They all told me how bad the service was, and how mad they were about it. Do you think me telling customers to "take care of the bartender" is going to make them tip when they got horrible service?

I have never mentioned my tip jar in a show. I have it in plain sight, and I get tips. When the customers think you are deserving of something extra on top of your regular pay, they will hook you up. I have been to shows where the KJ walks around the room with his jar basically begging for tips. I feel these guys are classless, and more importantly, it is always a KJ doing a crappy job who does this.

I don't promote tips for myself, why should I do it for someone else, who may not deserve it.

Felix the KJ

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:16 pm 
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Argh! Thanks Felix. :roll:

While certainly this is an open forum, could we just stay on topic? I asked a very basic, simple question... not to open a debate. I would greatly appreciate it that if you have something to contribute to the topic of this post then please contribute.

Otherwise, your silence is golden. :D

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:36 pm 
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I don't use the words "tip" or "green" or anything like that. Just a real subtle "show your appreciation" and I only do that once a night.

I don't want to browbeat my regulars with it.

I've been to shows where soliciting tips for the bar is direct and frequent. It's included as part of a KJ's ongoing fill chatter between singers.

It's insulting. And would be even to my very forgiving crew.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:39 pm 
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Sorry you feel that way Koyote, but I think I was right on topic, and not trying to start a debate.

Your other way to say tip your bartender is to say nothing at all.

Felix the KJ

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:54 pm 
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I leave it a bit more open by announcing something like this:

"Be sure to take care of those who are taking care of you. None of us would be half as drunk without them."

It is simple and to the point, but it doesn't sound preachy, and certainly leaves it open to interpretation. If you don't feel like you were taken care of, you aren't being told to tip.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:21 pm 
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I think the KJ should make announcements telling the bartenders and wait staff that they should make sure to treat the customers well and give them prompt service so the customers might WANT to leave them a TIP.

Don't try to guilt the customers into tipping....guilt the staff to do a good job and EARN their tips. Too many bartenders think that they should get a buck a drink no matter how long they make you wait or how many times they walk right by you when you have money in your hand and obviously are waiting for service.

I hate it when people BEG for tips or pass a hat around for the KJ. I'll tip when I should tip. I don't need someone to tell me when to tip.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:48 pm 
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Oh brother!

If you are enjoying the service, feel free to show your appreciation.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:16 am 
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Here's an announcement I'd like to hear from the Karake Host...... :D Hey Bartender!!!! Stop trying to hit on the blonde with the low cut blouse and try serving some of the thirsty customers that are standing at the bar with money in their hands. 8) :D

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:03 am 
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I make it a point to call out each bartender sometime during the night...but always in a comedic way.

"Be sure to give Karen a little something extra tonight...she is still saving up for that new kidney".

"Don't forget to take care of Jim behind the bar folks...all tip proceeds help fund his "home for wayward girls"

You get the idea. Everybody gets a laugh and the point gets across without being the same-old tired line.

Besides...the bar staff promotes ME on the nights when I'm not there, so its the least I can do.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:25 am 
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Barry @ Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:03 am wrote:
I make it a point to call out each bartender sometime during the night...but always in a comedic way.

"Be sure to give Karen a little something extra tonight...she is still saving up for that new kidney".

"Don't forget to take care of Jim behind the bar folks...all tip proceeds help fund his "home for wayward girls"

You get the idea. Everybody gets a laugh and the point gets across without being the same-old tired line.

Besides...the bar staff promotes ME on the nights when I'm not there, so its the least I can do.

Barry, that's awesome! I have mostly female bartenders where I work, but on Friday night its a mix, and this would go over well. MORE! :D

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:25 pm 
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LMAO I love it Barry !

I'm going to use this one. Please make sure to tip Steve he is still saving up for his boob job.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:46 am 
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something tells me the "customers" who are regulars and complaining about bad service are MOSTL LIKELY the ones the bar staff has labeled as the ones who NEVER TIP ANYWAY..It goes like this Singer goes to a karaoke bar and orders drinks --after the 2nd week of leaving NO TIP..the next time you get secondary service
...just the way the world turns..seems the same people who complain about the service from the bar staff are the same ones that complain about everything

The reason KJ's make tips announcements its because its customary and part of working together. And some DRUNKS forget to leave tips so we make an annoucement. Personally I use the standard .." don't forget to tip you bartenders and barmaids they're doing a heck of a job "

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:56 pm 
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jamkaraoke @ Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:46 am wrote:
something tells me the "customers" who are regulars and complaining about bad service are MOSTL LIKELY the ones the bar staff has labeled as the ones who NEVER TIP ANYWAY..It goes like this Singer goes to a karaoke bar and orders drinks --after the 2nd week of leaving NO TIP..the next time you get secondary service
...just the way the world turns..seems the same people who complain about the service from the bar staff are the same ones that complain about everything

The reason KJ's make tips announcements its because its customary and part of working together. And some DRUNKS forget to leave tips so we make an annoucement. Personally I use the standard .." don't forget to tip you bartenders and barmaids they're doing a heck of a job "


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:27 pm 
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ripman8 @ Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:56 pm wrote:
jamkaraoke @ Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:46 am wrote:
something tells me the "customers" who are regulars and complaining about bad service are MOSTL LIKELY the ones the bar staff has labeled as the ones who NEVER TIP ANYWAY..It goes like this Singer goes to a karaoke bar and orders drinks --after the 2nd week of leaving NO TIP..the next time you get secondary service
...just the way the world turns..seems the same people who complain about the service from the bar staff are the same ones that complain about everything

The reason KJ's make tips announcements its because its customary and part of working together. And some DRUNKS forget to leave tips so we make an annoucement. Personally I use the standard .." don't forget to tip you bartenders and barmaids they're doing a heck of a job "


Yes! Well said. I like to think I'm part of the bar's "family".... and family takes care of each other.

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:44 pm 
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Hello All,

I just say: make sure you take care of Becky ... she's been working hard for you all night long.

It's funny when I'm not paying attention .. make the announcement and notice her getting up off her butt cause she was just taking a break.

Whoops :)


Jason Christopher
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:27 pm 
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I say something to the effect of "Hey gang, just so you know, your bartender and servers are workin' real hard for ya' tonight. So, please be sure to show your appreciation to insure the same great service on your next trip to _________" (fill in the blank)

Believe me. They sure do appreciate it, and it makes for a good relationship for me, them, and the club owner!

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:48 am 
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One of my favorites was "don't forget to tip Denise the bartender, because although she doesn't look like it, but she has I think 6 or 8 kids at home she has to feed. Not only did she get tips, but SOME of the karaoke people actually asked her if it was true. Which she responded, "I think that's about right, but I'm not sure. lol


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