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PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:32 pm 
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I didn't realise this was a common thing until I was in Myrtle Beach at a contest.

After it was over a man I vaguely knew walked up to me and handed me 300 dollars for "winning" I told him that I had already been paid by the club. He grinned at me and said it was my "share" of his bet! :o :o :o

I asked what he had bet on- and he said they had a pool going in the back of the club during the contest(apparently it was a regular thing as this club ran monthly contests) and he had won THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS for betting I would win. (can you say OMG!) Aside from being eternally gratefull I didn't know about this bet stuff BEFORE I had to sing...I was pretty taken aback. I tried to give the money back to him saying that I wouldn't have had to PAY anything had I NOT won so it wasn't really "MY" bet. He insisted he'd only bet that much because he'd heard me before... so I kept it.( Hope that wasn't wrong) Since then I have tried to keep my eyes open and have seen similar betting done at many shows...especially contests. Any of the rest of you ever seen this? Is it even legal anywhere other than Nevada???


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PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:51 pm 
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Suppose it's just like anything else in the world. I have never heard of it around here. I know there have never been any bets to my knowledge in our clubs contests.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:29 am 
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Suprise double winner, awesome!! :D

Never seen betting going here (Chicagoland), but it wouldn't suprise me. I avoid contests for the most part. I don't trust the human error(?) factor. There's a guy here who seems to always be involved in the contests. And that guy, I just don't trust! We've seen shady stuff before with him and the judges he picks. I also feel, that if I'm trying to win something, it takes the fun out of it for me. I just don't enjoy the karaoke as much then. But my wife still tries to get me to join. She is persistant. She did get me to join one, more or less. It was the playstation singstar game. No human factor to feel slyed or cheated. That was cool. 8)

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:43 am 
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Congrats on winning the contest !

Wow I've never heard of such a thing and boy that was really nice of him to share his winnings with you. You go girl !

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:24 pm 
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avg joe- I am AMAZED that people in Chicago aren't betting...that wouls be one place after vegas I'd put as a "most likely" place to see bets on the outcome of a karaoke contest!! I'll bet they are and like me, you just never noticed it!( wink)

and Babs..it WAS nice...but even looking back I have to admit it made me hesitate to enter contests in that area again. I'd be scared I'd have somebody all mad at me if I didn't perform.I've won my share- but by no means have I won them all! There are PLENTY of gret singers that can and have beat me...and THIS was a country contest - so I was starting off in a hole as an R&B singer in the first place. NO WAY WOULD I have put money on winning that thing! EVEN my family wouldn't have made that bet. That dude must've just had a problem with gambling and too much money in his pocket that day! Seriously...Had I known that he was risking that much money beforehand I can't in all honesty say I would have competed. I prolly wpuld have backed out of the competition...Talk about putting pressure on someone! Again- I'm just GRATEFUL I didn't know about it until AFTER the contest! I'd be SO ashamed if I cost someone that much money! (even tho I KNOW in my head that it isn't my fault)


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