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Poor Economy Good for Karaoke https://mail.karaokescene.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=17179 |
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Author: | karaoke koyote [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
As a guy who quit his day job in the middle of a recession to start a karaoke business, I concur with article. Anyone else sharing an upsurge? http://www.examiner.com/x-13116-West-Pa ... or-economy |
Author: | Karen K [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:12 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
Agree totally. For $20 it is possible for the average person to feel fully entertained for the entire evening. I might also add that it is the participatory effect of karaoke that seems to bring people out. My newest venue had never tried karaoke before; at the same time they added a couple of other nights of entertainment (not karaoke) with a young couple on accoustic guitar with vocals, and a pianist who does a one-man show. Neither of those are drawing but our Thursday night karaoke show packs the place. The best two nights they have ever experienced have been karaoke nights. PS: Small town, very much a "Cheers" kind of place. But many other places in town are empty. MMhhhh.... |
Author: | karyoker [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:17 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
The secret is they have to offer food until late hours only if its a good cheeseburger and maybe a small chicken dinner. They cant get excessive on these prices or drink prices. |
Author: | spotlightjr [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:54 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
I agree with the upswing in business. All the venues we do are doing pretty well except the Italian restaurant. Fine dining and karaoke are like oil and water. They dont mix too well. $12.00 appetizers and $4.00 bottled beer are not working. White tablecloths and wine glasses mixed with karaoke have been a tough sale thus far. We need chix wings and draft beer but have had a tough go of convincing the owner of that. His idea of specials are $6.00 martinis and $1.00 glasses of wine. We're kicking off "hospitality night" this evening to try and get the service industry interested but without the "staples" IT'S GONNA BE A STRUGGLE. |
Author: | Babs [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:05 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
I can't say for sure it's the economy or not, but lately I've seen smaller crowds. It's odd really I'm never sure from night to night how big the crowd will be. This Friday was packed wall to wall with people jammed in, outside and inside. Saturday I left early, first time in 5 yrs. I left at 12:30 because I only had 5 singers at that time. Two of which had been there all night drinking water. ![]() It maybe just because it is summer and not the economy, but I definitely don't have an upswing in crowds. I have an odd fluctuation. I can walk in on a Wed, Friday or Saturday and have a huge crowd or a small crowd. |
Author: | seattledrizzle [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:22 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
It appears a place in Renton may have just closed. Empty parking lot the last few days....not a good sign. |
Author: | jr2423 [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:47 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
spotlightjr @ Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:54 pm wrote: ...except the Italian restaurant. Fine dining and karaoke are like oil and water. They dont mix too well. $12.00 appetizers and $4.00 bottled beer are not working. White tablecloths and wine glasses mixed with karaoke have been a tough sale thus far. ...
So would the clientele be an "over forty" (maybe even fifty) type crowd? If so, I've observed a host here who would begin the evening singing during the dinner hour; easy listening dinner music like Frank, Tony, Dean, etc... During which time he would collect singer's request slips. After his set the clientele appeared to be in the mood and they sang for the remainder of the evening. Now granted, this happens during spaghetti night at an American Legion Post in Peoria, AZ where many of the people are retired. But the point is It Works. And I could see it working at an up-scale venue such as you describe. I know there are some who wouldn't think of doing it this way, but I think I'm going to look for such a venue to sell this idea. |
Author: | TopherM [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:59 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
My crowds are up on Saturdays but a bit down on Wednesdays. I think you are right that karaoke provides a cheaper option for lots of people to go out and have a good time all night, which explains the Saturday night uptick, but I also think that people are going out less during the week than usual and saving up for the weekend, which explains the downtick on Wednesdays. Neither day is really that far off from 2-3 years ago, though (+/- about 20 people a night on average). I have also noticed around here that there are not as many discount rigs and less bars have karaoke entertainment than at what I remember as the height about 3-4 years ago. I don't think your standard discount rig can afford to do karaoke as a hobby at the corner bar, and the corner bar that wanted to only invest $50 a night in entertainment can't even cut that. Survival of the fittest, though!! Just my observation here in the Tampa Bay area. |
Author: | spotlightjr [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
That sounds interesting jr but not really an alternative for me. The owner has lounge-type singers 4 days a week already and that's not really the angle I'm going for but wish you nothing but success. My main problem is the prices and the atmosphere. |
Author: | Babs [ Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:54 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
Last night the show was packed wall to wall worst than Friday. I actually got so tense I started shaking at one point. I had to have the owner watch the stage ,so I could go to the bathroom. I can't believe Saturday was so slow I left early. ![]() I'm actually beginning to think economy has nothing to do with my crowds. I had a slow 3 weeks to a month. Now the crowds are coming back. I believe that was because the nice weather and the festivals hit town. Now I don't know when I walk in what I'll get. It's a love hate thing. I dread nights I'm so busy I'm pulling my hair out, but it's good for business and love a slow night because it's more relaxed, but worry about revenue for the bar. |
Author: | karaoke koyote [ Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:36 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
Babs @ Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:54 am wrote: Last night the show was packed wall to wall worst than Friday. I actually got so tense I started shaking at one point. I had to have the owner watch the stage ,so I could go to the bathroom. I can't believe Saturday was so slow I left early.
![]() I'm actually beginning to think economy has nothing to do with my crowds. I had a slow 3 weeks to a month. Now the crowds are coming back. I believe that was because the nice weather and the festivals hit town. Now I don't know when I walk in what I'll get. It's a love hate thing. I dread nights I'm so busy I'm pulling my hair out, but it's good for business and love a slow night because it's more relaxed, but worry about revenue for the bar. For me its the opposite. I LOVE a busy night... people bopping to the singers, girls dancing, bunches of people having a good time. I get high 5s for running a good show, and hugs and handshakes all around. That's what I LIVE for. I'm never really stressed when its busy. When its slow, I'm stressed to the nines worrying about the bar revenue. |
Author: | Lonman [ Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:49 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
karaoke koyote @ Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:36 am wrote: Babs @ Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:54 am wrote: Last night the show was packed wall to wall worst than Friday. I actually got so tense I started shaking at one point. I had to have the owner watch the stage ,so I could go to the bathroom. I can't believe Saturday was so slow I left early. ![]() I'm actually beginning to think economy has nothing to do with my crowds. I had a slow 3 weeks to a month. Now the crowds are coming back. I believe that was because the nice weather and the festivals hit town. Now I don't know when I walk in what I'll get. It's a love hate thing. I dread nights I'm so busy I'm pulling my hair out, but it's good for business and love a slow night because it's more relaxed, but worry about revenue for the bar. For me its the opposite. I LOVE a busy night... people bopping to the singers, girls dancing, bunches of people having a good time. I get high 5s for running a good show, and hugs and handshakes all around. That's what I LIVE for. I'm never really stressed when its busy. When its slow, I'm stressed to the nines worrying about the bar revenue. I don't necessarily live for a busy show in that respect, but I also love it when it's busy. Slow nights just can drain any energy you might have right out of ya! |
Author: | leopard lizard [ Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:14 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
It has been difficult to figure out the economy thing for me. Two Sats ago there wasn't even a parking place left. Last Sat we closed a half hour early. It has been going up and down like that for months. We also have a lot of free events kicking in with the nice weather--concerts in the park and entertainment at the Farmer's Markets and Street Fairs, etc. So sometimes it doesn't pick up until later at night. |
Author: | Lonman [ Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:26 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
Summertime is notoriously up & down for us. One week we can be begging for singers, the very next we'll have SRO crowds & a 2 hour wait. Especially July & August when people start doing their serious vactioning, helps the tourist towns though. Weekends are pretty much busy anytime of year. Only time we ever shut down early was a couple of 4th of Julys. Otherwise we stay for the duration - people in the bar or not - which is rare, but does happen on occasion. |
Author: | diafel [ Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
Babs @ Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:54 am wrote: It's a love hate thing. I dread nights I'm so busy I'm pulling my hair out, but it's good for business and love a slow night because it's more relaxed, but worry about revenue for the bar.
I feel exactly the same way! It's been a slower 3 weeks here as well and two weeks ago I had the slowest Thursday night EVER. Turns out the cops were making their rounds at the end of the night and told me we were STILL the busiest bar in town. I think it's been the good weather and the camping season has hit. People want to be out at the lake. |
Author: | missbipbip [ Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:44 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
The bar I do on Wednesdays has taken a big hit lately. It's different from week to week, but last week was horrible. My Friday and Saturday night shows are still doing fine, packed wall to wall. (Like Babs, I favor Sundays, when it is a little more relaxed). But that venue is at the beach, so I can't really compare it to a more hometown area, like my Wednesday show. I hate it for all bars and KJs, though, if our "Miracle Man" doesn't figure out a solution for the economy, because all bars are going to suffer. I do hear more people say they don't come out as much anymore, because they can't afford it. Times are getting hard for lots of people I know. When some people have to work 30 minutes to buy a box of CheezIt crackers ($4.65 per box at my local grocery store) how can they afford to party? ![]() |
Author: | Lonman [ Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:10 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
Don't put any blame on the 'miracle man' at this time or expect any immediately, you have to remember this admin inherited a HUGE financial problem from the last 8 years or better! |
Author: | karyoker [ Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:50 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
During the depression bar business increased. God and mother nature in their wisdom provided wine for the downtrodden. It is a natural outlet for temporary dispair. From that era was born some of the greatest entertainers because they gave hope and distraction. This is an opportunity for KJ'S and DJ'S alike to expand. However it will take a different attitude and format. You will have to provide more of an entertainment format for crowds. Supply the soft dinner music then after hours so to speak crank and party. This is something I have argued for. It works I know I have made it work. Do not listen to the media or the negative soothsayers. listen to your guts and go with what you feel will work We have been there doing it We know what will work. Supply a good honest service and good entertainment and forget about the economy. We are not economists we are entertainers. ![]() |
Author: | Karen K [ Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:10 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
You're right on here, K. We are all microcosms, really. My focus is entertainment - it always has been, but now I find more and more people that just want to be entertained. My singer/audience ratio is now about 1:15...that is, 15 people who come to hear the singers, enjoy the great food and company. Thankfully the singers are very much entertainers, the venue is very well run, clean, spacious, and they really genuinely care about their customer base. This is palpable, by the way. This model won't work everywhere - there are still places where the youngsters go, get tanked up, and thrive on cussing and screaming into the mic - nobody is really listening to them - their motive is mostly just self-enjoyment, and there's nothing wrong with that...I guess they both work...but I prefer the former method. Thing is, nobody's paying $75 for a ticket to sit and listen to these really fabulous singers. It's affordable and that is what people are looking for right now. Not every host is interested in running this kind of show either - you become very much a part of the show and your skill at entertaining is put to the test. But to be able to start up at a location in the midst of the worst financial atmosphere in history, in a small town, tells me there is a real need for this kind of show. |
Author: | leopard lizard [ Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:03 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Poor Economy Good for Karaoke |
Am a bit slow on the uptake here but in regards to closing early vs. staying for the duration--in our case it is the call of the bar tender and we used to have one that would close early on a regular basis as it was her "Friday." It would frustrate me as once a bus load of sailors arrived late one night to sing and we had already packed our stuff. We never got another chance with them. Now we have a new bar tendress and she does not give up so easily. But last Sat one of our singers had a medical emergency and by the time the paramedics had cleared out no one was in the mood to continue singing or drinking so we shut down. We have heard the singer is fine now. Now karyoker--wasn't part of the attraction of entertainment in days gone by also the fact that you could get some outlawed alcohol at those places? Maybe we should shutter the bar, install a peep hole and some secret tunnels and start dispensing pot or something. Just kidding. Really. |
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