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Hey Babs
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Author:  P Tucker [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:30 am ]
Post subject:  Hey Babs

lol I was just in your neck of the woods yesterday! I've been to Chicago 4 times last week. It was just by chance that I was able to drive through yesterday.
I was on my way from a store delivery in mid-town Chicago on up north to Skokie/Evanston to empty my truck at another store, when my dispatch called me asking me to pick up a load in Aurora coming back in. I said okay....all along knowing this would add another 3 to 4 hours to my day. And for not much more pay. :|
I ran from Skokie/Evanston on IL-58(Golf Rd.) west to Barrington Rd./Country Farm Rd. down through Hanover Park to IL-38(Roosevelt Rd.)....I missed my turn at IL-64 :roll: :withstupid: on west to Randall Rd. to Aurora.
I went through a town called Geneva before turning on Randall Rd. This looked like a tourist attraction town to me....really busy. I was intrigued by seeing people standing in the Fox River downstream of a waterfall, fishing....right in the middle of town as I sat on the small bridge in my rig. It was picturesque. lol
That is some really nice area up there....the suburbs. Took me 2 hours to go 60 miles to Aurora though!
Seriously though, I enjoyed my ride through the area, but had no idea where the karaoke happens. Not that I could've checked it out.
Just wanted you to know that if you had a weird feeling at about 1pm yesterday, there was an eccentric dweeb passing through your area. :wink: :mrgreen:

Author:  Babs [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hey Babs

PC - Wow you drove literally around my house and by my work. The bar is off of County Farm Road ! You'd take County Farm Road, turn on Ontarioville Road and go down the street about 3 blocks. Ontarioville Road is close to the intersection of County Farm and Lake Street (route 20). Next time you go by you'll have to honk. LOL

Some of the suburbs are very beautiful. South Barrigton is where Walter Payton lived. The Geneva/St. Charles area is really nice too. We like to walk along the river there. They have a great walking path.

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