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Behringer DCX2496 Ultra-Drive Pro: ANyone use it?
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Author:  Gryf [ Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Behringer DCX2496 Ultra-Drive Pro: ANyone use it?

I have a friend who claims the DCX2496 Ultra-Drive Pro and one of their patchbays are the only products he trusts from them. I was looking at the DCX2496 and it seems to have roughly the same functionality as the DBX Driverack 260 including the computer coupling/interface.

Does anyone have experience with the Behringer product? Wayne is a fairly serious quality junkie and those are the only pieces of non-DBX equipment in his stack. I was wondering what the general consensus here might be. I like the idea of being able to afford two signal processors instead of one.

Author:  gunghouk [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Behringer DCX2496 Ultra-Drive Pro: ANyone use it?

I love it. 3 inputs and 6 outputs and a wealth of routing options, eq, filters and delays.

Couldn't be without it now and would have to get another if it went south on me :)

I've had the occasional noise from it but found, on one occasion, that the ribbon cable inside was trapped and another time it cleared after a few minutes.

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Behringer DCX2496 Ultra-Drive Pro: ANyone use it?

I have two DRPAs and one DCX2496. The DRPA is easier to use, DCX2496 has much more delay, routing options, and you can do 2 - 3 different x-over configurations in one unit. It is not really cheaper than the DRPA (original) but it also doesn't have that (@$%&#!) power-off thump.

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