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New lap top issue
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Author:  flyingspur139 [ Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:38 pm ]
Post subject:  New lap top issue

i have just purchaed new lap top to run my karaoke program now have problem of humming noise coming thru my system figure it could be an earth leakage
or something of that nature any one know how to get rid of it
have gig this friday would like to fix prior

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

are you running audio through the headpnone jack?? You need an audio interface so that you don't pick up the fan noise from your laptop. I know of a good one, run you about $30

Author:  RLC [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

If you are using the power cord for your laptop and it has a 3 prong plug all you need to do is "lift the ground" with a 3 prong to 2 prong adapter (about $0.75 at any hardware store)

Author:  johnny reverb [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

RLC @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:52 am wrote:
If you are using the power cord for your laptop and it has a 3 prong plug all you need to do is "lift the ground" with a 3 prong to 2 prong adapter (about $0.75 at any hardware store)

I've been using them for over 5 years, ever since I started using a computer for music.....never a problem......some people say thay are unsafe, but then I ask....why do they sell them, then? I bought a $200 Furman Power conditioner, and it "does nothing" for the Ground Loup noise.
Use your computer without the ac power(on battery power only), and see if it doesn't buzz in that situation.
I must admit, I've read that, the amperage from a usb port is enough to kill you... :)

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

Its the fan noise in all likelihood.

Author:  tcradiodj [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

It sounds like you are getting a DC hum. I run karaoke with a laptop using compuhost, and I do not get that noise. However, I am properly grounded. There are "zappers" out there. Some work, most do not.

You may need to test a few to find the ones that will work for you, I would start with a better audio cable from your headphone jack to your mixer. Try and stay away from video cable tho.

ProHost Karaoke.com

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

johnny reverb @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:41 am wrote:
I've been using them for over 5 years, ever since I started using a computer for music.....never a problem......some people say thay are unsafe, but then I ask....why do they sell them, then?

Because there are places that only have the original 2 prong plugs in which you get a 3 prong adapter, that little metal tab that you most likely bend out of the way is supposed to be screwed to the socket plate on the wall giving the 3rd ground - theorhetically keeping the ground plug in tact! THAT is why they were created & sold.
It was never meant to eliminate the ground entirely.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

Lonman @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:10 pm wrote:
johnny reverb @ Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:41 am wrote:
I've been using them for over 5 years, ever since I started using a computer for music.....never a problem......some people say thay are unsafe, but then I ask....why do they sell them, then?

Because there are places that only have the original 2 prong plugs in which you get a 3 prong adapter, that little metal tab that you most likely bend out of the way is supposed to be screwed to the socket plate on the wall giving the 3rd ground - theorhetically keeping the ground plug in tact! THAT is why they were created & sold.
It was never meant to eliminate the ground entirely.

Excellent point, never saw one with a warning, though, and... :lol: never actually saw anybody actually hook up the the ground to plate.......never had or heard of a problem, but you are absolutely right, that is the correct way to hook it up, which would not relieve the GLP.........but knowingly, using it incorrectly, being the dummy that I am....... sure works great........ :)

Author:  RLC [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

While lifting the ground as described in my post above does work I also agree with Lonman that it may not be the best way to do this, that is why I use the below:


which Lonman had reccomended a while back.

Workes great! No hum!

Author:  letitrip [ Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

Many laptop sound cards pickup noise from the hard drive motor (usually mounted very nearby). With headphone volume levels it's not noticeable, but once you plug it into a highly amplified PA system, it becomes quite audible. The best solution would be the external sound card as suggested. I find it unlikely that you'd get a ground loop through the laptop's power supply all the way to the sound card. It's possible but very unlikely give the transformer and such that all would serve to isolate the ground.

If it is a ground loop, before you go and use a "ground lift" try just plugging all your equipment into the same electrical source. Ground loops occur when there are two separate paths to ground in the same system and they have different resistances. The difference in potential causes a current through the connections which is what causes that 60 Hz hum. Remember, ground connections exist for your safety so bypassing them is not the ideal solution.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

:) I see plastic bags, with warnings "do not to put over you head", shampoos reading, "do not use internally", hair dryers, with attached to the cord, "do not use in bathtub or shower", and all sorts of products with unbelievably stupid warnings, but I've seen the adapters sold in hardware stores, out of a bin that looks like a plastic pickle jar.......3 for $1..... no warning lables.... :lol: I was an Ironworker in a steel mill for 30 years, working alongside carpenters, pipefitters, and even electricians, among other crafts. Being 55 years old, I've used, and seen used, this adapter in and out of the mill for almost 50 years. Years ago, going from 3 prongs to 2, was a common need, and never once, did I, or ever see anyone actually ground the adapter. I've never seen, heard of, or read and injury or damage attributted to the use of an ungrounded adapter........I did state.....some people feel these are unsafe...of which, I am not one of those people...... :)
If using it resulted in you getting shocked, though.......I would say the feeling would be..............." Six Flags!" .... :P ..... :shock: :lol:

Author:  mckyj57 [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

I love the case of the Swedish company wanting to move their products to market in the U.S. They were concerned about product liability suits, and looked at what other similar (tool) manufacturers were doing. Finally they came up with this rule that they added to all warning sheets:

9. This product not designed to be used by stupid people.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

mckyj57 @ Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:00 am wrote:
I love the case of the Swedish company wanting to move their products to market in the U.S. They were concerned about product liability suits, and looked at what other similar (tool) manufacturers were doing. Finally they came up with this rule that they added to all warning sheets:

9. This product not designed to be used by stupid people.

must mean me..... :lol: ....as I've said before, I'm just a dummy, but....... :)

Author:  ripman8 [ Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New lap top issue

Use the adaptor. I was using the headphone out for my sound before I switched. It didn't hum once I used the adaptor.

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