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First recordings withCompuhost!
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Author:  karaoke koyote [ Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  First recordings withCompuhost!

Well, I got my new Audio Interface in yesterday, and last night I put it to use for the first time. Can I just say this is cool! We had a blast recording ourselves, and honestly I think it sounded great!

I have one singer who peaks the mic even when I turn the gain down to 0, even though is is a good singer. He just has no mic control, even though I've made suggestions many times. However, the recording came out pretty good, with only minor peaking at certain points.

I got this Behringer audio interface online for $30, and man am I really happy with it. Very basic. USB, RCA out, RCA IN. Just what I wanted, and it handled my show as well as my M-Audio $100 one did, and that one didn't have inputs! I think I'll keep that for around the house.

The only thing is, I think I'm mixing the singer a little too strong, but with a live recording that's they way its mixed. Anyway to remix the recording to bring the music up? Will Audacity handle that?

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