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DK Millennium Skips on VocoPro
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Author:  jr2423 [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  DK Millennium Skips on VocoPro

Ok, I've had this problem since I put my VocoPro DVG 909 in to service. When I first started using it, many of my discs started to drop out. Well working in a smoke-filled environment I knew that my discs needed to be cleaned with more than just a micro fiber cloth from here on in. I should note that I had never experienced this drop out (or skip if you will) while I played through my JVC players. In comparison it seems the JVC could play through a layer of mud if it had to.

So, from this point I started to use a powered cleaner which cleared up 90% of my drop outs. The other 10%...; DKs. Yes my DK Millennium set, purchased eight years ago, continued to drop out. And not all of them either; only a select few. So I figured worn discs. Not...!!! I replaced a number of the discs known to skip with brand new ones that skipped in the very same place. Not only did these skip, but I've had customers bring in copies of their original DKs which also dropped out in the very same places as well.

I purchased the VocoPro as a replacement for my JVC222 which was indicating false L/R Channel changes on the monitor screen and distracting the singers. So I upgraded to the dual-deck / multi-format machine. I use it to play music videos before the show, and I like the dual-deck for speed. It allows me to Q-up the next singer while the current singer is still performing.

I know, going digital will give me the same (if not better) speed. 8)

Anyway, I digress. As I was saying the same DK Millennium disks skip in the same places regardless if they’re new, old, or copied. My question, after this lengthy dissertation, is has anyone heard of an affliction even remotely similar to this? If so, is there a known cause and/or fix?

Again, all other discs play fine.

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DK Millennium Skips on VocoPro

Sounds like the player. I've never had a problem with any DK disc in that manner. The fact that you now have to do special cleaning to your discs in order to get them to play cleanly on this player is saying something right there since you didn't have problems with the JVC. I cleaned with a quick wipe down before each play, but have never experienced what you are describing with any of my Pioneer or JVC players.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DK Millennium Skips on VocoPro

I've got two vocal pros(I don't use them in public, only for home)...they're packed away right now, so I don't recall the models for sure......I'd say it's the player from my expeience.......when I would make a cd for my use, when I go out to sing, I would first play it in my vocopro......if it played well in there, it will play well in any player.......I stand by that statement(in no way was the vocopro used in the making my personal cdg)

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