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monday night karaoke!
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Author:  karaoke koyote [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:30 am ]
Post subject:  monday night karaoke!

Wow! What an incredible night of karaoke at my Monday gig at Hops Inn. This bar is just a little neighborhood bar, that you almost wouldn't notice as you drive by plopped down in the middle of a bunch of houses.

When I started here 8 months ago I was faced over and over with people saying, "Nobody in Dundalk has been able to make Monday Karaoke work in this area."

Which was true. Every karaoke bar in the area had at one time a Monday night, and all had dropped it. There was one other bar in the area doing it. Phillips Inn... Started two weeks after I started mine. An older couple, using disks, no filler, 10" speakers, and vocopro mics...

They lasted about 3 months before the owner switched them to Thursday. This is the bar that let me go a few months back too... cracked me up. The guy works cheap. Its a good thing too, because nobody goes to his show... on Thursday the better singers are with me at MY Thursday gig! :D

Anyway, over the last two months this gig has really come together. I've got a nice group of regulars, the local karaoke web site came in and gave me and the bar a big thumbs up: www.adventuresinkaraoke.com , and new faces make in each week.

Last night was incredible. I had the bar a near capacity, and this small bar was hoppin'! The owner was smiling... "There ain't no other bar in Dundalk this busy on a Monday night!" he said. And it true... it really had become the place to be in Dundalk on Monday. The sweet part is, before I got there, all he was doing is ordering Crabs and watching football with his friends on Mondays... NOTHING was going on!

I have to give Lee credit... he put out flyers, bought search priority with Google, featured me on his web site, and got the word out. I did the same, and many of my regulars for Phillips found me and started coming.

What a hoot this has been putting it together and making something happen from nothing. Is there anything better? :D

Author:  Babs [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: monday night karaoke!

Congrats Koyote !

A lot of success stories of late. It's great to hear them.

Author:  ripman8 [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: monday night karaoke!

Sounds super. Ya think the web work really did it? I'm featured in big letters at my bar's website. But who really looks at it? What else got it going? Former regulars of yours? Word of mouth that something special was going on?

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: monday night karaoke!

ripman8 @ Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:34 pm wrote:
Sounds super. Ya think the web work really did it? I'm featured in big letters at my bar's website. But who really looks at it? What else got it going? Former regulars of yours? Word of mouth that something special was going on?

It was a combination of things Ripman. I'm at the 2 year mark for doing this, and I've started accumulating a bit of a following.

I got this gig by request. The owner was trying to figure out what to do to increase his slowest night of the week, and one of his customers suggested karaoke. He asked around about who to get, and my name kept coming up. :D

Then between my followers, his regulars, WORD OF MOUTH, and web exposure it came together. I would say word of mouth was the biggest factor.

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