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I need subs, or a sub for powered mixer.
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Author:  Dr.agon [ Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  I need subs, or a sub for powered mixer.

My mixer is a Mackie ppm608 powered. 500 wattsx2.
Relatively new on the market, I haved gathered. I have 2 6912 Tapco speakers, and two Harbinger 15" powered speakers so far.
My question is... is this..should I add the Tapco 18" passive subs below the 12's, or should I get a powered sub instead.
In other words is 1000 watts going to be enuff to power 2 12's, and two 18's?
The folks down at the sound center said yes, what do you who are not sales people say?

Author:  mckyj57 [ Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I need subs, or a sub for powered mixer.

Dr.agon @ Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:39 am wrote:
My mixer is a Mackie ppm608 powered. 500 wattsx2.
Relatively new on the market, I haved gathered. I have 2 6912 Tapco speakers, and two Harbinger 15" powered speakers so far.
My question is... is this..should I add the Tapco 18" passive subs below the 12's, or should I get a powered sub instead.
In other words is 1000 watts going to be enuff to power 2 12's, and two 18's?
The folks down at the sound center said yes, what do you who are not sales people say?

Your Mackie powered mixer can't power both the Tapco subs and the 12 tops. They are rating it at 1000 watts, but that is peak. It is really only 500watts RMS (250 per side). That is only 125w per speaker, which is way low.

You would want a powered sub. One should do it, though you will need a strategy for crossing them over. The PPM608 has a Main Sub output, which might well do it, especially with the 12" tops.

I would use one of the Harbinger powered speakers for a monitor speaker.

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