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karaoke player with hardrive that play ripped dvd tracks?
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Author:  animedown [ Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  karaoke player with hardrive that play ripped dvd tracks?

So I have many karaoke disc on DVD that are separated by tracks/chapters. I want to extract those dvd onto a hardrive and play it. I am not sure which karaoke player can play that, most of them only say cdg to hardrive. Is it possible to extract tracks from dvd and play it on a karaoke player?

Furthermore, is there a dvd player that allows me to set up a songbook with the dvd tracks and not the cdg tracks?

Author:  Micky [ Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karaoke player with hardrive that play ripped dvd tracks?

You'll need a software that will extract your dvd to a hard drive, the best freeware is:


You can than play the tracks in Media Player or any dvd player. Keep in mind that a DVD can hold up to 8 gig if not a Blue ray, so you'll need a large HD :wink: You can also extract the audio portion only with out the graphic part with:


It's a 30 day trial, you should be able to extract them all...

Author:  animedown [ Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: karaoke player with hardrive that play ripped dvd tracks?

I am interested in using a karaoke player instead of a pc to play the extracted tracks. Is there a karaoke player that has an external hardrive that would support the videos along with some sort of sorting like entering numbers in a songbook?

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