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A little help! :-)
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Author:  danielle_c29 [ Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  A little help! :-)

I know that there are a few other posts like this one, but I thought i'd repost anyways because I need some fresh ideas unique to my situation!

I'm singing in a contest, where I have to sing one SLOW song, and one FAST song.

I'm looking for some suggestions...

I like country music, but i'm open to anything. Something with a moderate range, and something that will be able to blow the judges away, but still fun! :)

Author:  KarenB [ Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

How about: Suds In The Bucket - Sara Evans - CB60324 (Chartbuster Country Hits July 2004).

It's a fun song, and the Chartbuster version is probably the best.

Author:  karyoker [ Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

Listen to the platters sing Only You a few times. Then listen to travis tritt's version. I had sang the platters many many times and never heard Travis but one night I sang his version. I sang it with a style that was more modern but not country. The only way I can describe it is shaking the rafters.

For the gals that can sing it "the First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" and do it right totally blows everybody away. Never lo0k at the monitor and in fact sing certain parts with your eyes closed. I have sang it many times and it is not hard to do in fact you can modify it for your style.


Author:  seattledrizzle [ Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

Dreamboat Annie, Heart
Hey Bobby, KT Oslin
Seven Year Ache, Rosanne Cash
What Your Love Does to Me, Holly Dunn
Had a Dream (for the Heart), Judds
Except for Monday, Lorrie Morgan
Strong Enough to Bend, Tany Tucker
Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That, Dolly Parton
9 to 5, Dolly Parton
Midnight Blue, Melissa Manchester
Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue, Crystal Gayle
Were All Alone, Boz Scaggs (Rita Coolidge)
Blame It On Your Heart, Patty Loveless
Brass in Pocket, Pretenders
Down at the Twist and Shout, Mary Chapin Carpenter
Anne Murray, Another Sleepless Night
Pam Tillis, Maybe It was Memphis
Playing with the Queen of Hearts, Juice Newton
Every Little Thing, Carlene Carter
Tell Me Something Good, Rufus & Chaka Khan

disclaimer: Not sure if these are all "contest material", just songs I like

Author:  Dr.agon [ Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

Slow song...By your side--Sade
ast song... Any man of mine---Shania Twain

Author:  fsapienjr [ Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

I hate, not really hate, but when singers ask me to pick the song for them to sing, never hearing them sing. Now don't get mad, I am not being mean. What I tell people is that if you want a song you sing you have to do 3 things.

1st, you have to love the song you are singing, it has to make you feel. Feel happy, feel sad, feel angry, feel something. For me the songs I sing best are songs that bring out an emotion from me.

2nd, sing a song in your range. You know which songs you can hit all the notes, and which ones you can't. Pick the ones you can.

3rd, make sure your timing is perfect. To me one of the hardest things to listen to is a song when the singer doesn't start and stop when they are supposed to. It makes it hard to sing along in your head.

Just my thoughts,
Felix the KJ

Author:  Babs [ Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

Yeah it's tough to pick songs for someone you've never heard before.

If I could suggest something it would be to pick a slow song that stirs emotion and shows off your range comfortably.

Be careful not to pick songs that are over done. You want something fresh that they are familiar with, but not everyone sings.

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

"Killing me Softly" Fugees version is a crowd pleaser, and allows you plenty of room to emote.

For an upbeat, get the place rockin' female country song you can't go wrong with "All Jacked up", or "Here for the Party" which both have a nice soulful jive and allows you to show some range without "showing off". Also give you room to "perform" as well.. and have fun! :D

Author:  Babs [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

"All Jacked Up" that's a good one !

For a slow song I'm thinking "My Immortal", "Angel". something that makes you want to cry, lean over hug your friend, call your mother or adopt a puppy. LMAO

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

I'm with koyote...

Killing Me Softly and All Jacked Up. If you can do justice to both of those songs, you'd do well.

Those are two great songs that are popular- yet most everyone you hear butchers them both.

Good luck to ya. I applaud anyone who can do contests without fainting dead away... :shock:

Do you have any song links, or can you post to the showcase here? We've had people post songs in the showcase before to get opinions.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

Oh.....don't worry so much about the song.....just wear a short skirt, pumps, and show some cleavage.....male judges will give you a thumbs up, and nowadays, there's a good chance any female judge is a carpet muncher...... :wink: ...relax.....I'm kidding.......not :twisted: ....first amendment.. :)

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

johnny reverb @ Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:50 pm wrote:
Oh.....don't worry so much about the song.....just wear a short skirt, pumps, and show some cleavage.....male judges will give you a thumbs up, and nowadays, there's a good chance any female judge is a carpet muncher...... :wink: ...relax.....I'm kidding.......not :twisted: ....first amendment.. :)

Not in my contests! :roll:

Author:  leopard lizard [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

You're a man of steal, Lonman. My boyfriend has been known to comment, "I could WATCH her sing anything."

Author:  Karen K [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

that's why my eyes glaze over when I hear the word "contest." I'm having to run one now for six weeks. Not thrilled. Just makes more work for me. And I can determine who's going to win just from the qualifying rounds, really, even though i'll remove myself from the judging once I create the judging criteria. "Real" people don't understand why I can't let the young operatic tenor who works at the place participate - they all realize that if anyone is going to compete to win a singing contest, he should...but of course everyone else would go home empty handed. I could be looking at a situation where there isn't that horrible negative current running just beneath the surface, though, because many of these singers aren't the kind that go from place to place to win...but of course I'm starting this week so word could have spread and those interlopers will appear out of nowhere...and then disappear into the darkness once it's all over.

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

Karen K @ Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:15 am wrote:
that's why my eyes glaze over when I hear the word "contest." I'm having to run one now for six weeks. Not thrilled. Just makes more work for me. And I can determine who's going to win just from the qualifying rounds, really, even though i'll remove myself from the judging once I create the judging criteria. "Real" people don't understand why I can't let the young operatic tenor who works at the place participate - they all realize that if anyone is going to compete to win a singing contest, he should...but of course everyone else would go home empty handed. I could be looking at a situation where there isn't that horrible negative current running just beneath the surface, though, because many of these singers aren't the kind that go from place to place to win...but of course I'm starting this week so word could have spread and those interlopers will appear out of nowhere...and then disappear into the darkness once it's all over.

That's our rule too - no one that works for my company or the bar may participate - we also extend that rule to immediate family members especially in a bigger prize contest.

Author:  ripman8 [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A little help! :-)

First of all, of course it goes without saying,,,,,,, the person singing has to sing the song and will have to make the decision as to whether the song is in their range or something that they can sing with 'motion.

We can still suggest. Personally, I'd try something totally simple and sing it with all arteries pumping. Desparado.

Contests---I'm thinking of having a "goofy" contest. One that the winner is announced but isn't something that everyone is licking their chops over winning but wants to participate in or watch. That's about as far as I have gotten with that thought.

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